Watty 2022 is here

They did. That’s why many of the old wattys winners from like 2018 and earlier are incomplete works. Because you could win even without an ending. Didn’t make much sense to me. It was one of the rules I was actually happy about when they said it had to be complete.


Lol, not a chance for 5K entries. I am pretty sure it would be about the same as last year. They could cancel it though with some waffle about better way for discovering aka Webtoon and Asian imports.

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Yeah, I know lol I was mostly joking about the short entry date. It was 40k, wasn’t it last year? :thinking: Seems like it might stabilize around that mark.

It wouldn’t shock me since pretty much everything else is gone now :confused: If the Wattys eventually becomes something else, or is axed totally.


Wouldn’t be surprised either, given how the takeover went for Tapas.


Yeah, I want to still be on Wattpad but I am finding it harder to care each passing year, tbh, even within the Wattys. They don’t even have the Werewolf Category lol. I could have put something into that. IDK, I still have Lio and this is its last year.


I really feel you there. I decided to improve Lone Werewolf last year and not put it in. But when I saw there were only two winners, I was like… RIP Werewolves. Wattpad really is careful about problematic content in winning entries, and I guess, a lot of Werewolf books don’t pass, because they all have forced relationships that characters enjoy.


Yeah, that sucks so much. I was gonna do a new twist on Werewolves, but I’m still writing it regardless. It’s annoying how Vampire and Werewolf used to be so big on Wattpad, but now they’re barely there (Werewolf still is, but just about IMO). Vampires used to be massive. They were probably bigger than Werewolves for like ten years, but they both seem to be dying off now.


Eh… I liked writing it, and pretty much everything is dying

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It’s crazy because it’s a characteristic of most the genre. It can be done sanely, but most the tropes are insane. The whole idea of a compulsory mate is very much a risk of falling into Stockholm syndrome. The fun of writing Old Soul was one aspect of the MC said no to their mate and the other aspect made a pact with their Goddess, not the mate. There’s so many ways to deal with the force behind it all, but heck if I see anything but a handful of choices. He, self aware and cautious would be better than most of it.

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Yeah true. We all need fresh formats.

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ah yes that does makes sense. Well I wish there were some way we can apply for feedback and tell them such


True. We can only wish…

#Watty2022 prep convo 4

Do you remember how I encouraged Kacy to start a working copy for each of her book parts?

I also asked her to start a new ‘draft file’ for each of these parts. She could write those after we are done with the comments exchange.

I did the same thing for my own book (albeit a little differently, so stay tuned!)


Because by doing so, she could keep a working copy with comments side by side with the draft, instead of typing over in the same document.

Google progressively slows down and crashes the more you edit the same document and the longer the document is. The upside is that it has an awesome Outline feature, helping you hop between chapters or find your notes and parking lot and is great for comments exchange.

Finally, I suggested that Kacy stores all of these documents in a new folder on Google Drive–and Raised by the Mafia already sits in a folder in file form.

Quick Tip! Psst, Google Drive has folders. They are convenient to keep your project documents together.


✧・゚: * ✧・゚:* “Everybody else” is not your responsibility. Remember to take care of yourself first.✧・゚: *✧・゚: *


In this case, it is my pleasant responsibility to help out Kacy! :sweat_smile:

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totally not me taking notes right now for these interesting tip :joy_cat:

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I’m continuing to write my novel (which im super thankful for these few extra time), modified a major detailed of a character and reposted on Wattpad.

phew I already feel im running a marathon! :joy_cat:

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That’s how I stored docs before my husband complained. lmao

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He has the garage, you have the Drive.


Also I decided that I’m entering my stories based on the main reason for them to exist.

Raised by the Mafia is a Romance, because I wrote it for Mila and Ryan to kiss.

Lone Werewolf is a Paranormal, because I wrote Volya’s coming of age journey so he would become a very different Alpha than all other Alphas. Which also tells me I need Book 3, because Volya is yet to bring together his own pack in Book 2.

And Rivals and Revels (I think I would through it in) is Historical, because I wanted to write a book set in 19th century with a romance appropriate for the 19th century.