Weird stuff writers have to google that they hope no one finds

I guess Krav Maga is a little embarassing, but easier to explain. Who doesn’t want to learn martial arts?

Ha, the only thing I have right now that I dont want everyone to see is going into Mangas (often adult in nature) because the kids can’t read much yet, but they can damn well see pictures that I don’t want to explain.

I mean, too graphic without a story, I bail. A repetitive story, I bail, a halfway lukewarm one? I check out the last chapter or two and bail. Average 7 chapters in, and I have to get the kids away from me, not knowing exactly what’s going to pop up.


The popups are much worse than the mangas.


I agree

Not exactly weird, but I went down an Isaac Newton rabbithole for my latest chapter. My MC meets him after travelling back in time to the late 1600s.

  1. “Newspapers in uk britain 1650”
  2. “1650 lingo”
  3. “when was the suit and tie invented”
  4. “when was coffee brought to britain”
  5. “history of british newspapers”

Oh, that’s cool. I look up stuff like that too. At one point, I wanted to write a story that took place in the 60s and looked up history/slang from that era. :thinking:

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so much poison stuff. But specifically like household poisons (antifreeze that kinda thing,) poisons that grow in the woods (hemlock, deadly nightshade, lily of the valley etc.) and a bunch of stuff about what pills can kill you/what the dosages need to be. And how to get said pills. So, uh, CSIS… I’m a writer I swear


I am now using Duck Duck go! :laughing: And in the spirit of looking stuff up for writing, I wanted to know what getting shot felt like. I’m not 50 cent, and I don’t wanna make it up either so in case it helps anyone else: 26 Gunshot Survivors Explain Exactly What The Bullet Felt Like | Thought Catalog :wink:


Didn’t have to google this but I once bought a book about poison at a book fair. Got sooooo many weird looks :joy:


Did it have anecdotes, antidotes, or was straight up poison stats and symptoms?


Did you hear about the bees that might have made honey from antifreeze?

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All of the above plus a history about them


This reminds me of a meme.



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