We're Looking for Moderators!

Depend on the animated movies, right?

A lot of anime that I seen are extremely flashy.


Thank you for your consideration! I donā€™t want to put a damper on other peopleā€™s fun, so Iā€™m generally quiet about the GIF thing and wonā€™t really complain.


Mm, it also depends on context. Like if Iā€™m sitting down to watch a movie, I can watch that movie. But if Iā€™m trying to do things and something is moving/flashing in some part of my screen, I canā€™t focus. Thatā€™s why moving ads in articles and ā€˜freeā€™ apps frustrate me a lot. As long as it doesnā€™t move, Iā€™m happy


Maybe so, but you might not be the only user with similar sensitivities and I would hate to trigger anyone with wild emojis. Like me, for example, Iā€™m super sensitive to certain tastes (like vegetables, especially, theyā€™re really bitter to me), and Iā€™m always really grateful when someone offers me a milder alternative to say, asparagus which I literally cannot tolerate lol. So I understand the need to some extent.


Ahh, the taste sensitivity is awful, isnā€™t it? Makes restaurants, dining out, and eating at other places so frustrating and honestly terrifying


is there any way you could set up something that would turn it off like she mentioned earlier?

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Ahh so itā€™s more likeā€¦ Moving images distracts you from your worksā€¦

I understand now. Watching movies are okay, but random images on the forum would be bad.


We literally can never get a food order correct right now with COVID lol. I have to be super specific and even then, once, I had to go into a fast food restaurant and they had to remake my order three times before they got it right. I felt like such aā€¦well, a Karen. lol

Iā€™m a bad admin, Iā€™ve derailed this thread so badly. :joy:


Yes! Thank you!

Itā€™s sometimes difficult to explain, since thereā€™s no way to compare. I donā€™t know what a ā€˜normalā€™ person experiences, and ā€˜normalā€™ people canā€™t imagine what I experience. You conjure up some really interesting analogies and such over the years


itā€™s alright
itā€™s your forum lol


Iā€™m an even worse mod applicant, I steered you towards this. Uhh, party in Whispering Wilds?



Okay I will drag all of you to the chat thread then lol

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Youā€™re fine :joy:

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Hunger Games. :eyes:


Thatā€™s what the best admins do. :wink::joy:


Incorrect, the topic is about looking for a moderatorā€¦ and thus far youā€™re demonstrating your own skills in how to carefully consider everyoneā€™s input in a topic and concept. People ask questions related to staffing and forum management, and youā€™re providing a diverse and inclusive spread of answers as pertaining to such. Even that reply is regarding to considerations in personal sensitivity and how it might apply and relate to forum management, while collecting a diverse spread of comparisons that relate and further this in concept. Anyone reading through the entire chain of replies gets plenty of information into how this ship runs, which is going to be really important for anyone who is considering making an application.

As such, and it seems like there are many who agree, youā€™re doing good. Just make sure you donā€™t overwhelm yourself in the process, a proper leader needs to be capable of properly delegating (which I guess was a big objective of this topic too).


same :pleading_face: :point_right: :point_left: