What are some fun facts about your characters' personal life?

Just curious if your character has any personal fun facts.

be back later.


Idk if this counts as a fun fact or not but my character can touch her nose with her tongue :sweat_smile:


Fun to me. Thanks for sharing.

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No problem!

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Vale secretly writes emo poetry and hides it.

Webb knows where she hides it.

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Apparently this one is a fun fact because of society. Dan is the stay at home dad while Carmin works

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So, the wife is the breadwinner?
That is slightly comment in the real world, only slightly.

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Hal-en is quite the artist…

He can be often found scribing his wanderings, and folk that he meets just going about their daily lives. He is a people’s person, and loves the simple ways of life. Yet he is the rightful heir to the Masters position of Dade, his home town… But Geldrid has led him astray and into danger and new lands, and plenty of things to draw for his memoirs I guess.

This is something that I am hoping will become a featured element of my tale for him.


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Yep, the wife is the breadwinner. People always get surprised when that happens

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Harper Lacy is a Twihard who likes to read the books and watch the movies.

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Fun facts.

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Yes. Do any of your characters have some or not at all?

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Remiel did a secret gig for his fans under the stage name DJ Buttnuts.

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He doesn’t like coffee or tea or water. Instead he drinks oat milk — a very specific Nordic kind which is only available at certain organic shops. He also likes smack and treats life as a never-ending holiday, living off his partners and friends.

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Would he even like flavored water?

thinking about it Probably not. Forget I asked.


Well, Bethany used to have a video channel for her cat. No one but her best friend knows that the person behind the video is Bethany.

My second main character hates snakes so much that he’ll usually pass out when he sees them, or he’ll play dead to avoid conflict hahaha


Elya very much enjoys music.

Her personal life is basically nonexistent, most of her waking hours are dedicated to work and planning. She hasn’t had a proper day off since she was assigned to her current position two years ago.

However, she does find respite in the Temple of Arion, where the choir sing sermons every mid-week. By law, she isn’t supposed to set foot in a temple of any kind, so she often sneaks in and sits among the higher pews where few tend to go.

It’s the only thing she actively pursues that does nothing more than bring her joy.

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“The Oasis of Macul”

Sebastian is AWFULLY annoyingly religious, every other sentence must include God. However he’s a happy, relaxed, loving man whose first instinct is always to help others

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A few characters from Goddess v2.0

Krista (14) insists that her family and friends always take extra food on their outings, so Krista can feed any soldiers / reservists they meet. Krista also refuses to wear any store-bought / off-the-rack clothing. If its not tailored, it goes in the bin. She becomes quite agitated when her friends / housemates do not follow this philosophy.

Leon (19) spends his free time tinkering with his extended family’s luxury car collection. Finding new ways to improve their performance / robustness. For example, his adopted step-sister, Hannah’s Alpina B6 has a circuit racing-tuned V8, an armoured cabin, military-grade air filtration, and tinted, bullet resistant Perspex windows. The Alpina also has a symphony-quality speaker system and sound dampening so Hannah can listen to orchestra* music without outside interruptions.

Hannah (23) is the resident library mouse / computer geek. She is often found either reading through or adding to their home’s (villa’s) library, or hacking their extended family’s electronics ‘for fun’**…All of their cars have permanently unlocked features (no subscription for use here) and cannot be tracked by the outside world, only by Hannah…Oh, Hannah also follows Krista’s dress rules (only seen in immaculate form-moulded evening attire or pristine Army uniforms) except when at home. She enjoys lounging around in threadbare singlets and boxers to annoy her niece, and to mock her brother.

*Most of the younger characters in this story are self-taught orchestra string instrument specialists. However, Krista stopped playing her violin (an Amati, naturally) two years ago when her older brother, Gur, was killed.

**Hannah serves in Military Intelligence, Leon is an Army Mechanic, and Gur was a Paratrooper.

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