Every time I start a draft of my current or new story, in order to keep myself in the mood, I break my chapters into parts.
Example: So, if I write nine chapters, each of the nine chapters get eight parts. This means that I give the story 72 parts which means I have 72 chapters, actually. The nine chapters are just the nine parts of the story. I ENJOY writing this way, it’s the only way to stay engrossed in the story.
Every chapter must be named FIRST, I hate not naming my chapters beforehand. It feels weird not doing it.
Those are mine I suppose.
Thoughts and Feelings? What are your own writing and/or reading quirks, if you have any?
Hmm…not sure I have any since anything that might seem like a quirk to someone else is just normal writing to me. (ღ˘ᴗ˘ღ)
Maybe my sense of organization is quirky. I keep notes of everything on separate sheets: setting, characters, slang, timeline, outline, subplots, symbolism, synopsis, yadda yadda yadda. In fact, I really need to go through all my notes and get rid of some. There’s too many to handle right now! (♯^.^ღ)
I must finish an entire chapter in one sitting. I cannot write a little of it and come back to it later to finish. It’s either all or nothing. If I’m interrupted it ruins my flow and leads to me either losing interest in writing the story, or makes me so frustrated that I can’t maintain a consistent tone within one chapter that I just throw it away.
“I have a story, but I need a chapter title or it wont get written, at all!”
I fucking hate that! This has happened to me so many times, to the point that I have shelved a few tales until I figure out the title of the first chapter… I hate my mind and the way it works at times…