What is the name of the town, village, or city where your protagonist lives...and more?

Does your main character/protagonist live in a town, village, or city?
What is it like for that character living there?
How is their home?
Do they live with family or alone or with their pets?
Do they live in a messy or clean environment?

Got any more? Go on and tell me!


Niko lives on a boat, but his base is in an Art School town by the coast, Beldam


Ooh sound so seafaring!
If that makes sense. LOL!

So, what made Niko want to live on a boat or has that always been his thing?

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You don’t have to pay rent on a houseboat, though nobody can agree on their legality

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Wait, it sounds like you’ve thought about this at one point. Do you or rather would you like to live on a houseboat?

I can see it…somehow.

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I’d rather live in a house van. I can’t swim.

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A house van? You mean like a RV or something like that?

Aww, I can’t swim either. But I still like the pools and ocean when I don’t go too deep.


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Both of my MCs live on the outskirts of Glass Garden City.

Hmmm. Tricky, tricky. I’ll answer for Seri.
He’s not very happy where he is but he’s trying to make the best of the situation. He’s isolated from everyone else and so it’s like this life with the knowledge that there are all these people so close by but he can’t talk to anyone.

He lives in an abandoned home with boarded up windows and creaky walls.

He has a pet snail. Their name is Felix and they’re the most loyal snail ever but they don’t talk much… or ever.
He’s visited by his adoptive aunt who brings him supplies and takes care of him.

So-so. He’s pretty obsessed with having clean floors and he stress-cleans sometimes but it’s dark in there so he can’t see everything. It’s a perfect environment for mold.


velouria city is where the first book takes place

jill city / talrega monica is where the second book takes place


The fictional town of Wakahatchee is an upper middle-class beach community in fictional Ocean county, Florida. Everyone there is a doctor, architect, lawyer, etc. since the houses are expensive. Population 10k. The main character lives alone now that she’s divorced, and she drinks a lot because of that. But she has a ton of money and a 2020 Alfa Romeo she won in the divorce. (>‿◠):v:

She has no pets, but she’s taking care of the cat belonging to one of her patients now that this patient is in a coma after being shot at a feminist rally. So she sorta kinda has a pet… (=^ェ^=)


velouria city is right off the coast of california, iirc it’s near san francisco


I avoid naming places very often because I don’t want to have to remember them. Lmao


And he also goes to school with Dory, an ex-boxer. Dory teaches art.


Amneris lives in the Palace in the city Lapide, though she’s also got her own place outside of the city.

The Palace is, well, massive and she’s far from the only one who lives there :joy: There’s also staff, soldiers, visitor rooms, the rest of her Court, a whole bunch of kids/teens/young adults who left home/got kicked out, and extra space for people who have part-time residence. It’s pretty well organized though it’s far from uncommon to see some people running around like headless chickens when they first arrive.

The Forest House is where Amneris lives with her family. It’s more of a two story family house. It can get messy with there being 10 people living there, but they do their best to keep it a kind of ordered chaos. Also got plenty of spare room for when close friends or other family members come to visit.


He technically travels most of the time, but resides in a place called Belris which is in a country called Lesian.

Since the story is based on a futuristic Earth with a continental shift and multiple ruined countries, I based Lesian off of modern day Africa. Belris is somewhere in modern day Algeria.

However, my MC was born and partially raised (for fourteen years) in a place called Alcor, also in Lesian. Alcor would be in modern day Egypt.

It’s different for him because he’s a soldier. He lives on base in their personal apartments, unlike random people who live within the main city. If you live within the city, you pretty much get the standard lifestyle you’d have in any major city but add in other species who co-exist. It’s like if Star Trek and Star Wars came together. :sweat_smile:

He lives in a one bedroom apartment space. He used to live with his adoptive mother and her daughter, but had moved out of their place by the time he became a leader (from 14-16). His home is very basic and bland. He doesn’t care for much, doesn’t have much anyway, and is simplistic that way. The most stuff he probably owns are weapons, specially knives and blaster/laser guns.

He lives alone. No pets. Doesn’t really have the time for one.

It’s super clean. :joy:


A Farm on the outskirts of a village called Halthorn, in the south of the Middle Kingdom (Named from a little bit of woodland near my home, Hawthorn Dene).

He lives alone now since his father died four seasons ago (years as they say in Arillion), but he does have a love interest in the local Blacksmiths daughter (No name as of yet).

His home is not large, and his land is only a several acres, but he earns enough for his simple life.

Many in Halthorn know him and are kind to him, and he helps others where he can.

He has no pets, but a local Dog does visit him at times (unknown reasons here at this point). His homestead is clean, yet lived in, mainly due to being a working farm.



A farm, huh?
Is he a hardworking and diligent young man? LOL!

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In this short story, a major variation on Tom Thumb/Thumbelina, the home town is just the village to the east of the woods, and nothing is given about the castle she grows up in, except her “mother’s” window.


I guess he is…

I’m aiming at around twenty-eight years old, slender build, and awkwardly shy around women. Has little to no knowledge of the lands outside of the Middle Kingdom, but has Bloodlines linked to the Kingdom of Olban (which he has yet to learn of). And a gift, a gift of some kind that has not happened since the Drake Herders were slain by the betrayal of the Drakes… His name… Aldan Tillerson.



I’m writing urban fantasy, so all my locations are real places where insane things happen.

My main character lives in Pittsburgh, PA (USA.) He is a slob. He’s too lazy to clean, but too zen to let it bother him.
He has a cat named Catnip. No one else seems to like his cat. I do, however.

He lives alone but his two friends constantly visit him because, as much as I like cats, a whole story of him running around with a string for Catnip to chase would be boring.

My other main character is the President of the United States. He lives in the White House and has people do all the cleaning for him. He had a dog once. It was a sweet dog but the dog bit him because he’s a jerk. Everyone thinks he’s a jerk. Only dogs can get away with biting jerks. Dogs are awesome.

Cool topic, @anon39043209