What is the WORST thing your hero/good guy has done?

It’s fun to ask what a bad guy has done and see how bad of a bad guy others have created, but what about the good guys? Can they have done some bad things? Stolen something? Pulled their sister’s hair? Lied to their best friend?

Pinti, as a child, not only touched, but she tickled one of her race’s controllers even though the “enemy” is never to be touched must less tickled. That is one of the “worst” things she has done :stuck_out_tongue:

What about your hero/good guy characters? Even if they are so good, surely they did something bad when they were kids?


Mine hasn’t done it yet, but at the end of the book she’s going to steal some paintings from the house of a dead patient. That’s still chapters and chapters away from being written, though. __〆(..)


Urainia is accidentally extremely destructive and has forced her husband to take a million different cure-alls for his mental illnesses.
She can be smothering at times, too, but that’s not as bad.


caused some planets to be destroyed


On purpose?

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Modern sin?

Messed with someone’s orientation in a way that both enraged and ingratiated the receiver.


I’m no where near the point where I plan on having him do this, it will likely happen during the second and third books in the series and I’m still working on the first book. But eventually Alma will start an interplanetary war between 3 different species and at least be tempted to commit genocide on the human race… He may be the protagonist, but I plan on giving him a character development arch that is more like a pendulum, swinging from positive development to negative and then back to positive. When he hits rock bottom, it’s gonna have catastrophic consequences.


I don’t have good guys or bad guys in my stories so I can’t answer this question.


Depending on what we’re defining as “good” or “hero,” starting a club that turns into a cult has to be up there.


My MC murdered her grandmother and isn’t sorry.


My hero killed a fox, goat, pile of rats and other small creatures to drink their blood.


Yummy yummy in their tummy

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  • Antagonized a shop owner
  • Punched a psychic
  • Ran away
  • Stole a bunch of stuff
  • Drove a few people crazy
  • Killed her sorta cousins and her dad
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In one series, my MC Shia ripped a guy’s arm off that one time.


My main character (Christian Grey) in His Devotion left his fiancé for the man he cheated on her with (Tyrell Wellick). He also has been toxic and manipulative in the BDSM scene in His Obsession. He has downright hostile behaviors, like not allowing Tyrell to talk to any women in His Obsession. He has become more caring and empathic after losing his wealth but still has a long way to go.

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pretty much

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One of my heroes leaves someone they’re supposed to rescue to instead be tortured/killed at the hands of the enemy… :eyes:


In Tide Hania kills a man in self-defense, but he only attacked her on orders he was unable to refuse. She finds out afterwards that he had a pregnant wife who commited suicide after being told he was dead. It’s not really Hania’s fault but it does haunt her. She also at one point leaves a man to be eaten alive by wild animals.

In the same book Raeth is responsible for the deaths of 100 innocent people he was supposed to protect, including his little sister. And not in a he tried but couldn’t save them way, he knowingly handed them over to be killed, though he didn’t know their identities at the time so didn’t know his sister was one of them until it was too late. He had his reasons, he believed it was the lesser of the two evils he had to choose between, but that doesn’t make it any less awful for him or anyone else involved. He’s also killed a decent amount of people directly but most of that is because he fought in a war long before the book takes place.


Will she feel guilty?

Hmm, not exactly an anti-hero, but he sounds like an interesting character to follow. It’s like he’s going to be tested on how much of a good guy he really is.

Gray characters? To tell the truth, Pinti does become an anti-hero, but at a time in her life, she was a good kid whose worst deed was tickling the enemy.

Those who would not lie for their personal gain or intentionally hurt others, perhaps. Maybe look out for those less fortunate and desire to help even at their own sacrifice.

:eyes: Why did she murder her grandmother? It sounds more like an anti-hero thing when I read that.

Some kind of ritual?

I’m hoping this is because they were bad? :stuck_out_tongue: Otherwise it’s looking like an anti-hero.

Out of context, this is horrifying XD What happened?? Explain yourself.

Leaves out of fear? Scared to risk being captured as well?


Absolutely. In fact, some people will view him as a villain during his worst moments, I’m sure. His intentions start off good, but the more frustrated he gets, the more his goals are less about justice and more about revenge. Eventually he will realize that though, and make changes to correct it. Not until after he does some pretty horrible stuff though.