What super power would you like to have?

it meant only one rule. by that.


:laughing: i love our misunderstandings.

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Now that my brain has woken up :joy:

I pick flight, speed and strength. Maybe mindreading

so superman?

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Not invulnerable

puts kryptonite away oh dangā€¦

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Shapeshifting, but in a way that I could rewrite every aspect of myself, my DNA, etc. Veering into OP territory but if I did enough research into magic in whatever world this is where people can have powers, I could figure out what Iā€™d need to change in myself to create new powers.


similar to Matthews hmm. but like how u added magic.

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Iā€™ve always answered the same thing for these kinds of questionsā€”invisibility.

I want to pull pranks on people :smirk: Since I was in elementary school, Iā€™ve always thought this would be the coolest one to have XD


The super power I would like to have is telekinesis, levitating objects would be useful but on a second thought then teleportation would save a lot of money in reducing the time taken to commute places.


Itā€™d either be telekinesis or healing.

Idk how it works conventionally other than moving matter with your mind, but the way it works in my story is that itā€™s an extension of the sense of touch. So you can do more than just move stuff with your mindā€”you can use it to see with your eyes closed (you ā€œseeā€ your environment by feeling it around with telekinesis), change the shape and state of matter of an object (by controlling the individual atoms of a material), and maybe even heal (by controlling the individual cells in your body) among other things.

Iā€™m also a very lazy person and it would be the perfect power for someone whoā€™s too lazy to get up from bed and walk a few steps to get the laptop charger.

My second choice would be healing, because imagine how much Iā€™d save on medicine, hospital bills, and whatnot if I could heal myself. I mean, think of it! Or like I donā€™t need to worry about getting sick or injured at all. I can also magically heal those random cuts I get on my skin. Oh, look, a scratch I didnā€™t know I had. Poof. Now healed XD


I think Iā€™d love to be able to read minds.
I really want to help people out when theyā€™re feeling down, even if they project happiness. Iā€™ve been there myself, it was a really sad period of my life, and Iā€™d like to use this ability to help others going through that themselves

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yep definitely know each other. x3

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The Invisible Man.