When was the last time this happened to you?

When was the last time you went to sleep after being so exhausted that you ended up sleeping throughout the whole day only to wake up late at night or the next day?


When was the last time you had a real life event happen to you only to learn it was a dream that was very vivid?

Thoughts and feelings?



A few weeks ago I worked hard enough on saturday that I slept the whole day sunday. Unfortunately this is nothing new for me. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Have you ever had the second one happen to you?
That happened to me a few times in the past. It’s surreal.

One time I dreamed of going to a ramen place and then saw the same place in real life.


Is that your dream’s way of saying to go to the ramen place?

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The last time I was so tired I slept through to the following night was years ago, during my first year of college.

As far as the second thing, I have dreams all the time that I’m either in bed sleeping or dreaming that I can’t sleep, and I think it’s real until I wake up. (♯^.^ღ)



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Then you know what to do…

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I had dreams where I swore I did or said something to someone thinking it actually happened, but it never did. It seemed so realistic and vivid.


The first one: about a week ago

Also everytime I pull all-nighters-


Does being exhausted from being sick count? :sweat_smile:

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Unfortunately I am not sure because I do not understand the phrasing of the second question. :sweat_smile:

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A very vivid dream that you couldn’t tell if what happened in the dream was real or just a dream.

It seemed too real.

Never slept through a whole day really, what happens in those cases is I take a nap (like 20 - 40 minutes?)
Hard for me to sleep through the day no matter how tired or how little sleep I got :sweat_smile:

I feel the second probably has happened, just can’t remember a specific example at the moment


Oh, yeah. I get those from time to time too. I can’t remember any specific dreams right now tho.

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It’s weird when that happens, right?

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Yeah, super disorienting, for sure.

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True, true!

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Well, I had a dream one of my friends at the time had a terminal illness he wouldn’t tell me about and was dying, and I only find out once it was too late and he only had a few weeks to live. In the dream, I was like, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME? * sob sob cry cry*” I woke myself up slightly crying and then I texted him to make sure it wasn’t reality that he actually had a real terminal illness. Of course, he didn’t and he laughed and said, yeah, good morning.

Btw, I usually have vivid, detailed dreams, but the emotionally devastating ones are quite rare and can feel quite real at the moment.

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