When you can't use cotton swabs to clean your ears, what can you use?

They say that cotton swabs are very bad for your inner ear cleaning, you can damage your ear if you aren’t careful. Yet people don’t have the option to clean their ears when cotton swabs are what is available. Those pricey items or even affordable ones to clean your ears aren’t for everyone. So, people walk around with their ears not cleaned or get some ear infection, not by choice. Then there are people who have a deeper issue with cleaning their ears that they don’t because of something else.

Is there a way to get your ear cleaned besides using a cotton swab? Can a damp cloth do the trick or something else if you don’t or can’t pay for too much money?

What are you thoughts and feelings?

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How do you guys handle cleaning your inner ears?
Weird question, I am very aware.


I have a little squeeze bottle of rubbing alcohol; I fill my ear and then drain it out. Then I roll a tissue into a tube and stick that in to dry it out. But not too far in. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


I wash them in the shower with water and drain them out, or else use a cloth device to pick around my ear.


earwax softener! Eaxwax softner!


Show pictures.

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Heh, that’s funny you mentioned that.
If I knew that sooner…


Together they are unstoppable


My closest store didn’t even have it.

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I just use Q-tips :man_shrugging: I know they say not to, but that’s also literally what they are made for, and I’ve never had any problems with them, so…


That is something worth noting.
Because if Q-Tips aren’t for the reason it is for, then why say it’s for ears in the first place, besides the other things.


They were designed specifically to clean out ears, but then in a few rare cases when people used them wrong, they ended up causing damage, and so, to cover their asses, they decided to re-market them for other things and put on the package that they are not intended for cleaning ears out. Which is a lie, but you know, keeps them from going to court if someone does misuse them while cleaning their ears and push too hard so it ruptures their ear drum.