Who do you write like?

So, there appears to be 2 main aps that deal with “who you write most like”. The one I’m not putting up here has some modern authors, but they have a pool of 50 authors you’re supposed to be like, and frankly, that’s not wide enough. This one uses Gutenberg, which means you’re not only compared to novelists, but to politicians, other notable people.

It won’t help you with modern comps, but it does connect you somewhat to people who you more emulate than others…at least for that given text.

So, I’m editing in Mini Moo, with it’s chapters being slowly simplified, to make it more an easy read. I’m through chapter 19 on that, and have 13 more to go. I get better hits off the less simplified writing (because yesteryear is Charles Dickens), but still saw some consistency in the results, so:

sampled whole chapters, simplified and unedited

From general chat, specific chapters, anyone over roughly 30% match

Ch 1
Lucy Maud Montgomery, Upton Sinclair, Louisa May Alcott, Edith Wharton, Philip K. Dick, Samuel Pepys, Willa Cather, John Marshall, Henry James, Bertrand Russell, John Stuart Mill, Mark Twain, Rudyard Kipling, John Muir, Sinclair Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, D. H. Lawrence, Stephen Crane, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jack London, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Hardy, James Fenimore, CooperP. G. Wodehouse, Jean Webster, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens

Ch 4
Willa Cather (over 50%), Lucy Maud Montgomery, Edith Wharton, Sinclair Lewis, Stephen Crane, Rudyard Kipling, Jean Webste, rP. G. Wodehouse, Joseph Conrad, Winston Churchill, William Dean Howells, Washington Irving, Upton Sinclair, D. H. Lawrence, Louisa May Alcott, Anthony Trollope, Zane Grey, Thomas Hardy, Bertrand Russell, Henry James, G.K. Chesterton, Charles Dickens, Jack London, Samuel Pepys, John Muir, Mark Twain, Philip K. Dick, George Meredith

Ch 15
Willa Cather, Lucy Maud Montgomery, John Muir, William Butler Yeats, Joseph Conrad, H. G. Wells, Edith Wharton, Philip K. Dick, Charles Dickens, Stephen Crane, Arthur Conan Doyle, Louisa May Alcott, Rudyard Kipling, Bertrand Russell, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Samuel Johnson, P. G. Wodehouse, Henry James, G.K. Chesterton, Jack London, Mark Twain, Sinclair Lewis, Upton Sinclair, Thomas Hardy, David Hume, D. H. Lawrence, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr

Ch 19
Lucy Maud Montgomery (near 50%), Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, Samuel Pepys, Anthony Trollope, Upton Sinclair, Samuel Johnson, Stephen Crane, Arthur Conan Doyle, Philip K. Dick, Bertrand Russell, Henry James, Thomas Hardy, Winston Churchill, Jane Austen, John Muir, Louisa May Alcott, P. G. Wodehouse, William Dean Howells, Charles Dickens
… (edited)
[5:02 PM]
Unsimplified chapters: I got closer to 50% before I simplified sentences.

Ch 26
Stephen Crane (near 50%), Edith Wharton (near 50%), Lucy Maud Montgomery (near 50%),Upton Sinclair (near 50%), Henry James, Willa Cather, John Muir, Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling, P. G. Wodehouse, Winston Churchill, Jean Webster, Bertrand Russell, Philip K. Dick, John Stuart Mill, Samuel Johnson, Thomas Hardy, D. H. Lawrence, Zane Grey, Arthur Conan Doyle

Ch 29
Willa Cather (near 50%), Washington Irving (near 50%), Upton Sinclair (near 50%), Lucy Maud Montgomery (near 50%), Jean Webster, Stephen Crane, John Muir, Rudyard Kipling, Charles Dickens, Joseph Conrad, Henry James, Thomas Hardy, Zane Grey, Louisa May Alcott, Sinclair Lewis, D. H. Lawrence, Jane Austen, Edith Wharton, Anthony Trollope, William Dean Howells, John Stuart Mill, Samuel Johnson

Ch 32
John Muir (near 50%), Edith Wharton (near 50%), Lucy Maud Montgomery (near 50%), Thomas Hardy (near 50%), G.K. Chesterton, Philip K. Dick, Willa Cather, Rudyard Kipling, Anthony Trollope, John Marshall, P. G. Wodehouse, Louisa May Alcott, Harriet Beecher Stowe, D. H. Lawrence, Stephen Crane, Upton Sinclair, Samuel Pepys, H. G. Wells, Henry James, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle

Lucy Maud Montgomery? Anne of Green Gables. Ok, I can hang with that.
Willa Cather, a great plains author, around the turn of the previous century, which this is a vaguely midwest story, that sounds right.
And the blip of Stephen Crane was earned, and probably is how Upton Sincliar comes into the mix. Reality vs moralism does play throughout the story.
Thomas Hardy, probably by punchy endings to chapters (cliffhanger).

I wouldn’t say I write like any of them. But I can see where the percentages come in at.

Can’t wait until I get a big hit off a more complex story. lol


I also got Lucy Maud Montgomery on the first place and a bunch of other writers I’ve never heard of. Though I wonder, is Webster the same guy that wrote the dictionary?

I took one of those tests before and I’m pretty sure I got different results (but also a different sample). It really depends on their sample size and algorithm quality.

I don’t know. Is it really much of a comp?

This is why I did whole chapters, and about 7 “important ones” out the books".

It’s AI stuff. It’s early. I can see some of why, on the more consistent selections. Who knows

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Interesting! I copy pasted the first chapter of my incels book into the textbox and this is what I got. I’m sooooo tempted to test something by a writer I consider absolutely terrible (I’m thinking Anna Todd) to see what results come up, but then again, it would depress the hell out of me if she got better results. (უ‸ლ)



Youe negatives: Cbaucer Byron and Caroll. Wow.


My results, based on the first page of A Sister’s Gift.

And some more results, based on the first three pages of Goddess v2.0.


Evidently everyone gets negative Chaucer, Byron and Carroll. I suspect this test is skewed…

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Possibly. Chauver is late middle English English. 1387-1400. Shakespeare is 1585–1613 (Early modern English).

I expect everyone to be negative on Chaucer. Its not technically the same language.

Lord Byron and Lewis Caroll…hrm. Lewis Caroll would need a lot of whimical made up stuff like chortle, jabberwocky.

Byron is where I don’t know what to do with it…unless its going “this ain’t poetry”.

A qay to twat it would be to put some of their work in, see what it gets.

Another option would be the issue of archetyles, placeholders they put into the algprhythm that specifcally work as a pathway, like perhaps you only get a pisitive on Byron whrn you get a bunch of poets in your list because he’s the baseline for poetry, on this scale.

Plus, Im seeing this like a beta.


Whenever I see / hear the name John Stuart Mill this song springs into my head…


Washington Irvine, Philip H Dick and HG Wells for the top three…

Bottom of the list is William Shakespeare, Lord Byron and Alfred Lord Tennyson…

Apparently I write nothing like Lewis Carrol which was a large negative which obscured most of his name…

However, I used a few types of such apps and they all said JRR Tolkien (Biased I guess on there part), but this has a wider range of writers in many sectors of publishing…

So who knows, HG Wells is a firm to 10 fave of mine so I might have a chance of a good Sci-Fi fantasy doing well for me. Haha!


I did the thing with half of my first chapter and got this back…

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See, the bottom 3 names changing makes me think it’s more an indexing thing, to see if you’re more like what branches off of certain icons. I’d have to see their algorithm (and have them walk me through it) to be sure of a damn thing.

So, I went ahead and looked up the difference between Chaucer and Shakespeare, and this is the first thing it throws up:

“Chaucer relies greatly on reality to drive the events of his poem, leaving little for the reader to imagine. A reader of Chaucer’s work simply has to listen and be carried by his events alone. Shakespeare’s production, on the other hand, is full of action and drama.”

So, I have to assume when people get a negative on Chaucer, they lean towards action (and we are being told to drop passive voice like crazy). So, stories that rely a bit more on thought than actions MIGHT get a negative on Shakespeare and not have Chaucer show up on their negative list. Or it could be that we don’t spell out every detail of what’s going on, to get Shakespeare. Which one? Both?

That COULD be a useful thing for some writers (but I can’t be sure of what’s going on to go, AHA! USE!)

It also looks like it’s Tennyson vs Caroll

Tennyson would be more serious, while Caroll is frivolous? This link compares The Kraken and Jabberwoky. This time, it’s contemporaries, and far more recent, so it’s a lot easier to see why they would negative out on different people’s works, contrasted against each other.

But that there are 3-4 negatives, and I’ve only identified 2 soundly enough to think it’s the right path on this thing, I’m really not sure how the rest of the ones closer to the top of the list relate to the bottom…Things to test, later.

Oh, and Byron is from the Romantic era, while Tennyson (influenced by Byron) and Caroll are Victorians. There is a style difference between them, just by era.

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I’ll be honest here, but I think it is totally and fully Bullshit!

I write, I see things unfold in my mind like a video imagery running in my minds eye. I then choose the words that simulate/describe what I have witnessed… Then I write…

What calls Bullshit is that what I submitted was fully descriptive without spoken word to interfere in its form. And from that they give me Washington Irvine as the first, followed by Wells???

Yeah, I get Wells, but Irvine?


Rip Van Winkle. The legend of Sleepy Hollow. Both, I’ve only ever seen the bastardized for children forms of, but ghost/paranormal and science fiction of the era have more in common with their contemporary science fiction–which explains why he wrote The Men of the Moon.

But he’s counted as American Gothic, along with Edgar Allen Poe.

Anyway, here’s how the two are viewed:

" Wells freely admitted many of his ideas came from others. He lifted a line directly from Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle (1819) in his novel When the Sleeper Awakes (1899). "

So, if you’re tied to Wells, you’re associated with Irving. I think it would be a bit stubborn to call Irving a proto-Wells, but there’s definitely overt influence.

Never though anything of the likes…

I’ve read a little Irvine, but did not know so much of the aligned influences of each… No diss on Irvine either, as what I read was good, but it did not seem anything like that which I submitted. So I just wonder now about the app perceives your text at this point, and I feel that it may have perceptions which are slightly loose and vague…

I liked the way it used the differing writing positions in the workplace which use the writing media, but it all still feels vague to me… As so many of these apps do…


It feels like it’s not ready for release, whatever it is. But that’s more why everything is below 50%, I assume.

That’s a possibility indeed…


Submitted my latest writing to it (Chapter 32 of OSWaJS) and got these at the top:

and these at the bottom:

No idea who John Muir or DH Lawrence are, but I do recognize Jack London as the Call of the Wild author (haven’t read it but the name is very recognizable to me somehow)

Natuonal Park activist (conservationist), wrote a lot on nature, has some books as well. Look at the bottom for easays online to get a feel.

D. H. Lawerence got censored a lot:

His modernist works reflect on modernity, social alienation and industrialization, while championing sexuality, vitality and instinct. His best-known novels—Sons and Lovers , The Rainbow , Women in Love , and Lady Chatterley’s Lover —were the subject of censorship trials for their radical portrayals of sexuality and use of explicit language.

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