Who’s doing NaNo this year?

Do a modified word count.

Minimum is 1,666-1,667 words a day, which is a ton for most people.

If your personal goal is 1K words a day, you only put out 30K in the month, which is still impressive…

But 50K has other options:

There’s 4 weekends, that’s 8 days if you work a 9-5. If you only wrote those 8 days, it would be 6,250 words a day.

Doable for some writers, hell on the rest.

But: if you manage your 1K in the 22 weekdays, the weekend 8 would he 3,500 word days. That’s just over 2 sessions of the normal 1,666-1,667…

But let’s say you personally fight for 2K days? That’s 25 days of writing, and 5 days off. To have all 8 weekend days off (some of us doing this with kids)? 2,272-2,273 word days.

But let’s assume the absolute worst: personal goal of 30K, not going to make the 50K, and the 5 day workday is hell to write more than 600 words on? 2,100 on the 8 weekend days.

Only 600 a day is 18,000 words. Still decent.


Yeah it’s good to at least motivate you to get as much done as you can. I have hit the 50k before, the first year I finished a story I only had a couple chapters for and got it to 70k! After that I tried but the story wasn’t working. Gonna do my best again this year, see what happens.

Good luck to you this time! Beating your personal best is still an achievement!


Going to try.


Once I almost wrote 3k in a one hour sprint. :flushed:


Trying is the most important thing.


That why I said it’s possible for some writers? If you’re “in the flow”, you’re going to have a better chance of reaching crazy goals.


THE VANISHING SUMMARY - Google Docs This is the summary for the novel I’m writing. I call it the Wiki Page Summary. Because it reads like a wiki page. But I’m happy with this. And I can create chapter summaries with this. And if needed add to it. It has to reach 50k so I may have to add chapters in the long run or split them into shorter chapters. But I think I can do this. It will also be the first draft. So it will be very interesting.


Yeah, I don’t need much planning, but I need something to keep me on track.


Well, my DMs from this go to my email and thereby flash across my screen.


I’m not so sure since I haven’t done it for a while. I’m thinking of a multi-chapter, and each chapter would be related to a prompt (if someone requests some to me specifically) but would relate to the story as a whole. I’m not so sure I can pull it off. Regardless, I’ll give it a try. Hbu?


Cool so if I talk about roasted chicken butts, everyone viewing the screen can see it? :slight_smile:

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If it’s said right off, I think like the first line shows up.

And I have a 6 year old who can read, thank you. Lmao


:flushed: Oh that’s so cool.

:wink: Smart kiddo lol. Jokes aside, thanks for the heads up.


So organized! :weary: I haven’t done anything much yet.


I’m gonna do it with the least possible amount of planning and see where the words take me!!


I might even write a werewolf story next year. Or use the knowledge I have now, to write it.

I rarely plan or do this much for a story. Like, I just have an idea, characters and that’s it. I don’t flesh it out or anything.