Writing Buddies

Hey guys, I recently started writing again and was wanting a couple friends who may want to talk about their works or writing or whatever it may be. Just someone to encourage one another and have fun writing!
Or perhaps to do sprints with each other (if people still do that)
anyway hope you guys are good!
Also anyone else know of any other writing forums for this?


Hello there. Welcome back(?) to the forums.

We are an encouraging community, in general. Talk to some of us. We’re all pretty vocal about our works and like to talk about writing here. We’re all open to chatting, and I am also. Encouraging is a big part of what we do here also.

There is (I think) still a thread about sprints that has a timer on the top. Maybe someone can link you to that? But people tend to do it as well with each other.

Absolute Write is another good one. Scribophile is good for detailed feedback, but out of them all, I genuinely use this one the most because I enjoy the sense of community here. Most of us are Wattpad Forum exiles too. We also have a dragon mascot called @Wisp who you can feed sandwiches too.

I hope you stick around and enjoy yourself here.


Thanks! I’ve heard of a couple of those, even just made a scribo. Are you working on any new projects or anything?
Wait, we can feed sandwiches? I don’t remember that feature…


Np, and yeah. I dabble in a few sites.

Yeah, at the moment kinda. It’s a sorta romance, but not really but kinda is. How about you?

It’s a bot command.

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