Writing Game Time: Guess what the chapter is about based on the title!


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Something big is about to happen in the forest?

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hmm…someone gets an assignment during their birthday?

No to this

Yes to this

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I got another one coming.

Here is another chapter title from Project Succession.

Misery, Mayhem, Mockery.

(hope you love a challenge.)

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Ummm…is it about someone hurting something

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I don’t see the next one, so I’ll just start.

(this is probably one of my favorite random titles)

When Smokish Fog was Cannoned

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The first one was

A devil among a court of monsters.

Then the second one is

The Birthday Assignment.

Then the third one is

Misery, Mayhem, Mockery.

These are mine from Project Succession.

Glance at @NatureLover40, because there is one.

I shall tackle yours in a bit.

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There is an evil person amidst the main characters. They are so evil that the horrible royal court just look like simple monsters. This is the chapter we find out how evil the person actual is. But the truth is, this is sarcasm from the MC’s perspective. Yeah, sure, I’m the devil. Make me the devil. You are all monsters.

Got a dilemma. An assignment to do that is life-shattering and also happens to be MC’s birthday that no one remembers to celebrate except now. When the assignment is given, the one who gives it says “happy birthday”.

There’s tears. There’s a fight. And the MC is also ridiculed. In other words, it’s the MC’s breaking point. They snap. No more mister nice guy.

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Oh my gosh, is this a nod to “Into the Wild”? The first book of the Warriors series? My mind immediately went there :grin:

This is the beginning of all the characters’ adventures and drama. This is before all the wild stuff happens. This is the first time MC ventures into the forest and meets new friends and new enemies.

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No no.

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did I write a whole new story for you? XD

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No, but you can keep guessing. :sweat_smile:

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Something involving something dangerous that the MCs are currently caught in, dealing with a treacherous secret?

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They are definitely caught in something, but there’s no treacherous secret :wink:

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A smoky, misty location, full of troublesome beings, hiding in the smoke.

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Book :- The Endurlon.

Chapter :- A Storm on the Leith.


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Did you guess the others?

It IS a smoky place, but it didn’t used to be smoky :grin: There are troublesome beings though.

I say now you’re fairly close.

Is there anything at all in my guesses that are remotely close? I’m not gonna get so far without a few hints :stuck_out_tongue:

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The Story Behind the Lemon

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