Writing Game Time: Guess what the chapter is about based on the title!

The objective of the game is simple. A person posts down the title of their chapter, somebody guesses what that chapter is about.

NOTE: If you do not use chapter titles, then play by guessing only, though just type that you don’t use chapter titles. You can still play, just have in bold letters you don’t use chapter titles. However, if you use chapter titles, guess and list your own. The person who guesses right, will get a thumbs up emoji.

You can go out of order for your chapter titles, just select whichever chapter from your novel that you are working on.

Let’s keep this game rolling.

My Turn:

Project Succession:

A devil among a court of monsters.

Thoughts and Feelings?



Some of you probably don’t use chapter titles, you can still play along, just make sure you type that you don’t use chapter titles. Any guess will do, the point is to guess until you are right.

Let’s play!

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sounds fun

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Awesome! Take a guess!

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The momster?

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What do you mean? The monster what?

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Idk…i’m guessing

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A sorta.
Do you have chapter titles of your own? If not, list that you don’t use it.

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I don’t

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Ah, keep guessing until you win and someone else comes.

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the devil?

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You won.

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and I guess!

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I am going to wait for more people, but I can give you one more chapter title, till more people come.

Here’s another.

The Birthday Assignment.



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Do I put my own title and guess at the same time?

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Sure. I will have to guess yours too in the end.

So, guess mine then I will guess yours. Keep the game rolling, even when more people start coming.

The first one was called, a devil among a court of monsters.

The second one is called, The Birthday assignment.

Give it a go!


Someone gets an assignment to host a birthday party for someone else?

My chapter title:

Into the Forest


Someone going into a forest?