Anyone ever try writing outside of the beginning to end method? How did you go about it? Did you like it?
I do the standard beginning, middle, then ending. I never tried it in any other order.
However, I do my formats differently as a result.
Parts of the novel are called chapters, while the chapters of the novel are called parts. I work better in reverse that way.
I try to outline my books so I know what’s going to happen, and then I can write any chapter in any order and insert them into place. Works fine for me! Usually have to tweak it a bit in light of new information you included, but that’s not really a problem. Personally, I think it helps to write the scenes you feel most passionate about now, because if you try to write everything in linear order and just leave a scene until later, you may not be as fired up about it later and it’ll come out dull and boring.
I usually do the beginning to end, but that tends to start from coming up with a middle to begin with.
A lot of my shorts I ended up coming up with through dream ideas, so I only remember pieces to start with. Whereas the actual novels I’ve started, I’ve tried sticking to writing from a beginning to end standpoint. Doesn’t always happen though as I’ll end up bouncing around writing scenes that will take place later, so I’ll have to write in the filling
I have written books out of order before, series even.
One series I wrote the ending for and then went back and filled in the beginning and middle for later.
Often times it occurs because there is a scene stuck in my head that I can’t let go of and so I’ll write it down. Gemutations: Plague was an example of a story I wrote completely out of order on. I had middle scenes written and parts of the end, but it took me forever to string it together into something coherent (It took like ten years to find the connection I needed to make the story happen like I wanted.
I almost never write in order, just whatever takes my fancy. Scrivener is the glue that holds my mess of processes together though - without Scrivener the way I write isn’t very feasible.