Your Character's Culture - A Deep Dive For Writing

had to write it all out, huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hmm, let’s throw Casus in here shall we?

Casus’s catchphrase is “like a shark with no teeth” which is basically saying “you can’t fight if you have nothing to fight with.”

There’s this story he and his sister were always told before they left to create their kingdoms. The story is about a kingdom made by sharks, and one of the sharks became extremely hostile to the others and ended up getting kicked out of the kingdom. The message conveyed is to never be hostile to others for no reason.

He tries to hide his emotions, but if he’s really happy he can’t hide his smile, if he’s sad he gets really quiet, and if he’s angry you can tell he’s trying not to yell.

What shapes his worldview is basically how people treat him. The more people are nice to him, the more trusting he becomes, and vice versa.


Nah, found an error in my plot :joy:

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…Makes me think of Lycans XD.

…So, maybe not a werewolf lol

Ooo, sounds kind of like a god :eyes:.


:eyes: I’m sticking with my gods theory.

Sounds like you’ve got in pretty fleshed out tho!

You can’t just skim on past that last part XD.

You’re totally a planner and not a pantster, huh? xD

Bingo! I was right! I think XD.

@48lexR I feel your characters would get along well with this cast XD.

Doesn’t she have a kingdom to run? xD

Going back to that what they frown upon stuff I see.

I just thought of the Twilight vamps and werewolves for some reason because of their overpoweredness lol.

World full of superheroes that is probably more dangerous with high taxes because things get destroyed, got it :stuck_out_tongue:.

Love these and feel like your queen doesn’t follow the last one much XD.

So, she can show her emotions then? I know some characters be like nah emotions are for the weak and just swallow them… Usually this will end in a big blow up at a pivotal time, haha.

What’s their lifespans like then? :eyes:


Oof, too real.

Aww, that’s nice.


…The person was kicked off the planet? :eyes:

Well then! XD

I wish I could say that’s because of this thread, but I know it’s a 99.99% chance it’s not lol.

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That’s a pretty funny one!

…I wonder if the shark had teeth ba da tsk! XD

Aww, he needs a hug! :pleading_face:

Aw, cinnamon roll!

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Yes :eyes:

plot twist

I actually feel bad ;-;

don’t let his friends hear that or he’ll get teased-

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There are werewolves but that’s a different bunch of characters :joy:

Amneris is a God. A lot of Lyriumians have been mistaken for them in the past because of their job.

The God theory is correct for Amneris specifically :joy:

I have been working on this series for over 10 years :sweat_smile:

It’s a hazard of the job

Actually I am completely a pantser. I had to plan it all properly before I pressed publish on Amazon so it actually made sense. My bedroom walls are covered in papers and maps now. All this is just from the last year :joy:

The Gods (to these people) are no longer on Lyriumia. Though it is known as one of the God Worlds

Yes. Yes she does :joy:

Actually, all the stuff that gets broken either by Amneris or by the War is paid for by the Ruler :tipping_hand_woman:

She really doesn’t. The Vivunadai have come after her many times :joy: The Adria story is more a caution tale that comes back to bite everyone on the butt

She can. It just . . . doesn’t always end well.

  • Burning down the Mansion of Night in Tartarus after being confronted by nightmares
  • Destroying the Towers in one of her cities after an attack because she got pissed off

Biologically, Lyriumians (and Terpolites) live up to around 20,000 years. But because they’ve been at War since the beginning of time, they can be killed at any time.

These people do not tolerate abusing children

It wasn’t :joy: Well, kinda was but mostly wasn’t

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Oop lol

Hug the cinnamon roll for me!

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Ah lol

:eyes: ooo

Cool haha

:eyes: I have stories I’ve been working on for about the same time but in short burst xD

Well then lol

You’re that meme with the red string lol


…someone come get her and chill her out lol

Well dang

Cool but darn lol

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Honestly, I am. I’ve got string and everything :joy:

Money isn’t exactly a problem for these people. Well, not for the Lyriumians anyway

That only works for a short while :tipping_hand_woman: There’s always another job and always another bad guy :joy:

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No peace, got it lol.

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This is always fun because I write some characters. Like the Werewolf ones: they as humans are culturally diverse. But they are werewolf first. I’ve always treated it as if the genetics for weres is not heavily affected by human ethnicity. Basically, I have it the further you get from the European population (excluding America), the longer they live–except some extremely isolated packs. This means I have an African American Alpha in Mississippi who looks like he might be a bit young for the 60s who lived before slavery ended. Because that could be such a soapbox character, I settled on having him refuse to speak about the era and get mad at anyone who pushes their luck.

I mean, you’re talking about a character who is trying to keep his people from being exposed in the middle of an era that was dangerous for the character moving into an era where cameras are everywhere.

But overwhelmingly, I don’t touch ethnicity, which means it’s a greater part of the “I don’t care” of the character. The more obvious I make it, the more I feel like I have to address things, so outside of being human I don’t think much of it, until something in the plot forces me to.

I mean, if you write a half lizard/ half elf (Sssyraine), you’re stuck with things that make a lizard and what doesn’t make a lizard.

I do very little Urban writing.

Honestly, I think half my characters get plopped in reality without much backstory.

Like in Maysie’s Galaxy, her world ended when she was 2. Who she was is meaningless. Her surrogate father Alder is half Sioux, half Nebraskan farmer (white settlers stock, likely northern European), and comes into this apocalypse with a racial history he’s trying to not give to a child that isn’t even her right heritage to need his ancestral issues. I don’t even detail what he is in the story because it’s only relevant when he’s trying to answer questions about how people behave to a small child.

Daniel Faith in The Essence of U doesn’t know much about his history so everything seems to start from his father and mother getting together, but the entity he meets is the key to an ancestry that goes back to the bronze age, easily.

Maybe some more later.

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That sometimes happens to me, but I try to have a reason for them to exist other than I wanted to name another character lol.

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I tend to be more “I need a plug for the plot.” more than “let me name him”.

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There’s periods of peace but then someone shows up and goes “lol no”

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I shall.

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Character: Dov Shaul, 28 (very rough notes)


  1. Australian with Viking heritage.
  2. Dov’s family lived on a cattle farm outside Toowoomba, Queensland.
  3. The Australia part of Dov’s family tree stems from the First Fleet, and the gold fields. They have been in Queensland for two generations. The continuous generations of children with Norwegian or Swedish heritage was not intended.
  4. Dov is one of the few in his family (and their history) who did not attend college.
  5. Dov’s family was culturally Norse Pagan and Jewish…the latter by intergenerational association and friendship, not religion…Otherwise they were a typical Australian family.
  6. The Shaul family was upper-working class. The cattle farm had a high income but also high expenses, and the income varied by season. Dov’s three younger brothers studied business at University and became quite wealthy. One brother stayed at (inherited) the farm while the others dispersed around Australia or overseas. Dov joined the Commandos and, with minimal expenses and generous pay, soon became financially comfortable.
  7. See point 5.
  8. Shaul family heroes / anti-heroes: Famous Australian workers, farmers, ANZACS, business tycoons, mercenaries / bandits (Dov’s family tree features all kinds of professions). Villains: anyone one who acted against the Australian or Jewish communities (esp. the working class elements) and their heritage, the ANZACS enemies, and those who intentionally exploit or otherwise target good people. Dov taught me how to spot good people, and we both hate those who betray good people ~ Freyja.


  1. Kindness and treachery are to be repaid with interest. The moment you disrespect the Australian environment is the moment it kills you (a variation of ‘Never turn your back to the sea’). Don’t start a fight, end it. Treat the cause not the symptom. Don’t disturb calm waters (also, the most dangerous fighters are often the most gentle). Never miss a chance to enjoy life, or attempt something that scares you. A man’s word is his bond. Look after your body when you’re young, your body will look after you when you’re old.
  2. When you respect others, you respect yourself. Respect is earnt not given, and once lost it is gone forever.
  3. See above section.
  4. Nothing major, yet. Dov is more likely to shame or shun himself.
  5. See above section.
  6. Happiness is to be encouraged and preserved; crying is to be investigated and (depending on the cause) permitted, consoled, coaxed to an end, or avenged; anger is also to be analysed and either used as fuel for another task or dismissed as a liability (there’s a difference between constructive and wasteful anger).
  7. Authority gained by wisdom or experience is more valuable / respectable than authority gained through rank or privileges. Never let another’s (misguided / misplaced) sense of seniority result in your death, even in the military.
  8. Talking back to adults was fine, so long as you could argue and defend your position in a structured debate. First name references was standard.


  1. History books, (extended) family traditions or stories, life experiences.
  2. Success is expensive but once achieved the price is often viewed as a bargain.
  3. Family are kin and close dependable friends / comrades.
  4. A cohesive unit is a successful unit. Two is one, and one is none ~ military saying. High-stakes competitions require cooperation.
  5. Failure in training is fine, its how you learn. Failure in combat is not, its how you die. Also, a leader is solely accountable for the success and failure of their subordinates.
  6. Only close friends can be granted fairness, others will likely misuse or betray it.
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I get the feeling of mercenaries lol

That’s dark xD

So family dying = okay to cry? Or other things?

I like this one

This should be on a jacket pin, hehe :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Your character sounds like he’s got some stories to share over a campfire

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Alright Hota’s Turn and then I go to bed:

  • Hota is Ytaushi-Zenestian, so ethnically Ytaushi.
  • They’re definitely one of the first in their family to persue college.
  • Low-income economic status–well, at the start of their story, that is. They lived at school but inherited their grandparents’ belongings and they didn’t have parents to go back to so.

Some Hota sayings:

  • “Selling an anthology for a basket of fish.”
  • “May the Great Hero bless us!” (equivalent to “God bless you.”)
  • “Like throwing ice at a polar bear.”

A couple things: Their crazy, uncontrollable mind-reading ability made their mom lose her cool and drop them off with their grandparents one day without warning. Also them admitting to liking boys at the same time probably didn’t help.

But despite all that, Hota maintains a positive worldview–and it’s because of their focus on studying religion. For them, religion is a source of hope and positivity, that which they want to pursue, but they also realize that positivity cannot exist mindlessly.

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