Your go to writing drink and snack is...

Hot chocolate, definitely. Or iced chocolate. Basically chocolate :joy:

And a snack to go with it? Depends on my budget. If I’m broke, then no snack. If I have money, then maybe a few macarons :point_right: :point_left:

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Idk why I read the title as

“go to writing drink and snuck”

My brain: what is a snuck? :grinning:

I’m drinkin’ cold coffee with sugar and milk. That’s enough for me :grin:

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I don’t often eat stuff when writing mostly because I don’t want to get my fingers and then my keyboard all messy. But I’ve had trail mix (a mixture of peanuts, M&M’s, raisons (which I don’t like but I tolerate them), and cashews) before and I really like them as a snack. :sweat_smile:

As for a drink, my go-to is a Monster energy drink. But if I can’t have that, I’ll take an iced chai latte or some sweet tea. :wink: