AMA: Pertaining to my two story projects!

Nope, I can’t think of any. Sounds like you’ve got it all well in hand. Good luck finishing it! ٩(˘◡˘)۶

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Alrighty then.

Okay then

How does a Rhak die and what do Rhaks think of death and the afterlife?

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Rhaks are NOT easy to kill, even for the Firstlings.
It does not matter whether they are in disguise form or not. Killing them off is truly impossible.

However, they can get “spirited” away where they disappear and are placed in another dimension or plane that is like an afterlife, but they don’t stay there for long. THEY ALWAYS COME BACK BETTER THAN THEY WAS BEFORE!!!

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That’s how they are kind of killed, but how do they die naturally? Do they not die naturally?

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Okay, so… What kind of jobs do they have?

When in regular forms, Rhaks do not work. However, when in disguise forms that normally get a “job/career” where they don’t have to work for the Lessers which is normally crime or something else illegal.

Rhaks prefer to be their own person. Eons ago they did have jobs which was mostly service to their lords and whatnot. Now, they don’t work and just wander around killing Lessers and created false Heretics as they search for their “goddess”.

The Rhaks are a strange bunch.

Ask me some more things, if you can?

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How do Rhaks take care of themselves? (like brushing teeth, showers, medicine, vitamins, exercise, shedding…idk :woman_shrugging: )

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Are you truly okay with asking me about the Rhaks?

You can ask me about other things that aren’t Rhak related.

I apologize if this seems like it’s going nowhere.


I’m okay. Are you okay? :stuck_out_tongue:

I can ask other things, but right now, I want to see how much you can tell me. I’ll exhaust this until you have no more to say or you don’t want to talk about Rhaks anymore and then I’ll move on.

Or I could move on now if you want variety? :wink:

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Yeah, I am fine. I am full from eating, but that is a topic for another time. LOL!

Ask me ANYTHING about the Firstlings, the Elite Lessers and the Lessers, the six Sovereigns and their court, the Knighthood Federation, and some characters from The Breakers series, pretty please.

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What are the Firstlings made of?

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The Firstlings are deities.
The First Ones are the top gods. The First Children are the children of the First Ones. The Second Children are the offspring of the First Children. The Third Children are the offspring of the Second Children and the parents of the Fourth and Fifth children.

The Sixth Children are the six Sovereigns and their court while the Seventh Children are the entire population of the world.

The First Ones to the Fifth Children are all gods while Sixth Children are in a sense minor gods. The Seventh Children are just ordinary humans with expanded lifespans.

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I see. But what are they made of? Flesh? Some ethereal spirit energy stuff? Magic?

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The true forms of the First Ones and the First Children are utterly incomprehensible and overall mind boggling. Everyone else has gigantic human forms half the height of a skyscraper. The First Ones and the First Children are outrageously massive.

The First Ones and the First Children can turn into normal sized humans as well as everyone else. They choose not to and stay their large sizes. The only time they turn into normal sized humans is if they are meeting the Sovereigns and their court which is a rare thing.

However, the Firstlings are considered absurdly, impossibly, and overall overwhelmingly attractive beings in their divine form. In their normal human form, they are of average beauty in order to blend in.

Anything else?

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Tell me three things about the Knight Federation. Anything you want to tell me but only three things.

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I shall hit you with three facts pertaining to the Knighthood Federation instead.

Did you know that:

  1. People who want to be Knights take a series of exams for the entire month. The exams changed every time. So, there is no need to study or practice for anything. After they finish the exams, the high ranking Knights grade them on who is more promising and answers the questions correctly. The ones who passed become Knights while the ones who failed have to try again next time.

  2. Within the Knighthood Federation, there is a somewhat small organization called the Heavenly Chevalier Order. These “Knights” are even higher ranked than the Knight King, but these people don’t waste their time on the world, they focus their energy on the six Sovereigns and their families NOT the Twenty dynasties.

  3. Knights from low rank to high rank can make a very good living. The higher you climb in the Knighthood Federation, the richer and more financially stable you’ll become. You can be a billionaire in the Knighthood Federation depending on what position you are

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Anybody else?

Brand new story coming in:

Crowns, Gods, and Secrets which is also set in the world of Alagossia, but during the The Breakers timeline in a what-if scenario.

Also, ask me ANYTHING relating to the plot of the story. I just started it hours ago.

Wanna ask anything towards CGS (Crowns, Gods, and Secrets), @Akje and @TheTigerWriter?

Totally alright if you don’t have anything to add…yet or at all.