AMA REMAKE: It's in regards to the Alagossian High Court once more!

oh, wait, I just came up with a good one:

Do any of the court have a uniform? What’s it like? Do they like it? Does anyone wear crowns or some kind of head accessory?

This is an actual good question, that I didn’t think to dive deeper into. LOL!

From my knowledge, the royals in the AHIC (Alagossian High Imperial Court, remember that) only wear their royal attire on special occasions that call for it. Like a fancy party/celebration/etc is what their royal attire is called for.

Most of the time, the royals and even the nobles in the AHIC are wear regular clothes like some jeans, sneakers, and t-shirt or whatever from some high class designer.

But they have to wear certain jewelry or expose a tattoo that is familial. So, that people can know who they are.

Lower tiers in the AHIC MUST wear a standard uniform.


ah, they have tattoos. At what age do they get them? And can you tell me about what some of the tattoos mean?

Gah! The age situation!

At a toddler age is when they get them.

Each of the children and other descendants of the High Lords’, have a tattoo that represents their family and their misting powers.

The tattoos is the family’s royal or noble crest OR their parent’s sigil or something along those lines OR all of it combined.

When the person grows, the tattoos grows as it changes with the person.

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What do they do with their millions and trillions?

What is the currency?

Also what use does wealth and currency have to gods?

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Spend some or most of it on themselves(depending on who it is)OR spend plenty of it on helping nations that need it and fixing issues on global scale.

Yet here lies the problem. While the Greater Monarchies get richer beyond impossible means, the Lesser Monarchies get poorer to the point it is only a matter of time before they become a Shadowland.

So, the Sovereign and their court can send a crap ton of money and resources to help the Lesser Monarchies thrive again, but that money doesn’t always get to those people because the Union of Lesser Commons takes that money and plays favorites amongst the Lesser Monarchies.

So, the Lesser Monarchies don’t to see their nations thrive, since the ULC does whatever it wants with the money in a way that even the AHIC isn’t aware of.

Alagossia is not a fair world…

There global currency called Sovereign Credits.
Since I totally lacked originality on this one, Sovereign Credits work in the exact same manner as American dollars.

Yeah, totally, original…

When I think about this question, I tend to wonder slightly the same about the gods and goddess in World Mythology on Earth.

Like depending on the myth, Greek gods and goddesses are LOADED in cash and wealth.

Hell, the Firstlings are WAY richer than the Sovereign and their court in ways that you couldn’t comprehend.

It stems back to how in the grand cosmos does a deity gain so much wealth in the first place.

I would hear that in the bible that God is wealthy, but exactly how is that?

So, it’s either the more prayer and worshippers, the more wealth a god obtain, or the gods made themselves wealthy because they are gods and NOT MORTALS?

So many questions to ask and thank you for pointing that out to me.

How do they get them?

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The tattoos is magical and placed on their bodies with a special ink and the method of doing it is different than how tattoos on Earth are done.

So, it is done in a less painful manner.

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Also, what do Sovereign Credits look like? Is it physical paper money or coins or rocks or gems or electronic coins?

And tell me about a cool, high-techy thing that the High Court people use.

That’s good to know. Because toddlers getting tattoos :eyes: Where on their body?

It is a mixture or paper and coin and digital currency.

Their smartphones are called Halo-Cells.
Halo-Cells are smartphones that are a brilliant combo of magical and tech.

So, a Halo-Cell version of Facetime or Google Meet/Duo, is a holographic version of it that is very too good to be true.

Their Halo-Pads (an Alagossian Android Tablet and Ipad) are the same thing too.

They also love using their hover cars to go to place to place.

That is all I got for now.

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Reminds me of Star Wars.

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