Among the books you've read, which ones would your characters enjoy?

I just suddenly wondered what Eryn or Pinti would enjoy.

I don’t think Pinti would enjoy Warriors, to be honest. I think she would enjoy the collection of children’s poetry I have. She’ll connect more to poetry than a story about a Human or a cat.

Eryn, though, I think she would enjoy some of the middle grade fantasy books, and probably be more of a contemporary fiction girl. Maybe she’ll like Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella. Hilarious and sweet. She could possibly enjoy horror.

She might enjoy Twilight actually XD

Richard, my immortal assassin, would enjoy the Russian classics. I know he would. Some of them are about the downfall of high-class characters and that’s just what he likes to see.

What about your characters?


I’m thinking mine would probably like really trashy 18th century fiction, but few of those books have survived the ages. (♯^.^♯)

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Dov’s favourites:
The Last Continent - Pratchett
Warrior Brothers - Keith Fennell
The Grimms’ Tales (Once Upon a Time)
The Long Ships
Dawn of the Promised Land
The Case for Israel
The Gifts of the Jews
The Ultimate Special Forces
Vikings: A History
Viking Art - James Graham-Campbell
Garfield and Footrot Flats comics
Dove - Robin Lee Graham
Arnold: The Education of a Body Builder
Building the Classic Physique - Steve Reeves
The Green Berets
The Book of Five Rings
Ghost Force: Secret History of the SAS

Krista’s favourites:
The Millionaire Fastlane
Lion Hearts: Heroes of Israel
Into the Dark
All the Black & White (Black+White) photography magazines
All the professional photography (digital and film) / figure study books I’ve encountered
Any gothic / traditional European art book and elegant fashion photography book I’ve browsed through
Goblins of Labyrinth
Good Faeries & Trolls - Froud
Michael Parkes’ art book
Simply Love / Einfach Liebe
The Songs of Solomon
What Everybody is Saying
The 48 Laws of Power
The Art of Seduction
Gideon’s Sword

Freyja’s favourites:
Most of the above plus…
The Commando - Cameron Baird
The Crossroads - Mark Donaldson
No Time for Fear - Paul De-Gelder
The Terry Pratchett library
Bushido: The Soul of Japan
The Monday Morning Cooking Club
Every aviation and car book I’ve owned
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Dozens of cosplay and anime art-books (maybe)
DK’s Eyewitness book series
Incredible Cross-Sections
(and any nature photography books I can’t think of at the moment)

More to follow, perhaps.

…Lucky the characters live in a fortress-villa, and the second-largest room is a library…


The immersion I’ve got in my editing…there’s only one character that is into reading, noticeably, and that is Grant’s mate Ginuea (pronounced Jenny). She likes smut, and she wants her mate to renact things (like booktok already does).


I think Jorildyn would like fictional stories about pirates and/or knights battling and cool magic. So, chances are she would enjoy both Pirates of the Caribbean and One Piece immensely.


What about modern books? If you would introduce your character to modern fiction (or non-fiction) what kind of stories do you think they would enjoy?

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oh my gosh, you’ve thought about this before, haven’t you? XD

Do you share any favorites with your characters?
Are there any characters who would dislike the books that you love?

To be honest, Pinti would not be into reading fiction or poetry. She likes real stories and nothing abstract. It annoys her :stuck_out_tongue: That’s why prophecies annoy her. I wanted to imagine what she might like. So, what if you thought about your characters who don’t like reading, and if you had to pick a book they could enjoy, what would that be?

You think any of your characters would enjoy your favorite books?

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So, you and her would bond over One Piece, huh? :wink:

Which characters do you think Jorildyn would like the best and why?

Speaking of One Piece, I went to Starbucks today and there was a woman reading One Piece. I didn’t see which one, but it had a reddish illustration on the cover, I think. Reddish brownish.

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Jorildyn would love Luffy like crazy and oddly enough Sanji, because he makes great food.

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Nathaniel and Rachael? Audiobooks. No genre preference, just dont make them sit still and read.
Stephen is a natural Stan so he’d probably wnjoy werewolf romances as a werewolf eho enjoys that the Alpha couple gets along so well.
Thr Epsilon’s daughter-in-law? Tatical books.
Grant would be like, “Just shiw me the smut scene, I dont want to read the whole damn thing…wait, youre into this shit?! You know if I wasnt a werewolf, there’s no way in hell that this could work.”
Rahara, the God who made the smut-sirens? He’d only be interested in reading @JohnnyTuturro 's rants about romance sucking.
Gamma Pearson is alreafy a PI, so hed probably critique PI stories for beleiveablility.


Skye would like Twilight.
Vale would love House of Leaves.
Webb doesn’t read lol.


Guess I better publish them for my one fan :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait, is this…I think this is the same character that my sister-in-law is in love with. She collects One Piece memorabilia, especially Sanji. Yeah, I think it was Sanji.

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There’s your audience :grin:

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What if Webb did read? :smirk:

So maybe Skye and Eryn would get along :wink:

Eryn’s not the gushy romantic type, but she does dream of boys she can’t have. Edward Cullen would be one of them, probably XD

I can’t believe I remembered his last name so easily.


I just now remembered that he liked reading comic books and manga in the sequel :laughing:

Lol, they’d def be friends. Skye was absolutely Team Edward too. :sweat_smile: She was super into sappy paranormal romance books.


There’s a market for it.

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Oh wow! Lol!

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Anti Romance?