Any NaNoWriMo [rant, discuss, troubleshoot, share, idk whatever you like]

NaNoWriMo any time.

Will you, won’t you?

What story?

How do you prepare as a pantser, planner, or plantser? Do you do Preptober (prepping for NaNoWriMo in October)? Do you do CampNaNo?

Do you even know what this is? :stuck_out_tongue:

And you can talk about it, too. And share stuff. And cry about it if you need to.


I’ve never done NaNo or even Camp NaNo.
I wanted to do one a while back, but I didn’t and I don’t know if I ever will do one.

Mentally and even physically, I don’t think I will be at a point where I can do that.

Often times I think about and other times I can’t be bothered to do that.

Other than that, good luck to everyone who is doing it for this year!
As for the ones who aren’t like me, well, still have a happy writing time!

That is all I got!


Yup, I’m doing it! But I’m not going to kill myself this time around. My personal goal is to write at least 100 words a day. Anyone can do that, so hopefully I can.

I don’t use the forums there, although I do check them out once in awhile and I’ve posted once or twice. But otherwise I do all the stuff–upload a cover, post a playlist, synopsis, excerpt, etc. and update my word count there every day to collect badges. I wish the buddy lists worked like they used to years ago when you could sort your friends list by word counts and see who you’d passed and who was ahead of you.

Anywhoo, I lurve NaNo! It’s so motivating, and I really need some motivation right now. __〆(..)

You don’t have to start a new book, you know. You could be a rebel and work on something old. I’ve done that before. Well, everyone has, I betcha. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


Tentatively, an old vampire being bugged by a water sprite.


I want to write my NaNo story now, but I refuse to, since I already have a rough idea of what is happening, and I want something to write then. If I do it all now, what’s the point?

I’m gonna write the Alexis and MJ story (the Crazy Spades Motorcycle Club). I’ve already started it. But I know some more about motorcycle clubs now, and the culture and planning it.

And I am having fun watching and ripping apart Sons of Anarchy, as I did with the Mayans, and am reading the Undercover Agents, and the other biographies related to bikers in the MCs.

This one is going to have–I can’t believe I, of all people, am actually saying this–girl power vibes, a bit of a romance, but mostly chaos within the club. And some rivalries as well.

It has a different tone to the Max story, in terms of biker stories, and it probably isn’t gonna be as dark.


i think i already talked about it in the struggling writers thread but i’m being a nano rebel this year and continuing on with my current wip rather than starting a new one. I feel like i’ll never finish it otherwise :face_in_clouds:

i’m doing preptober over on my instagram this year! nothing fancy, just posting to my story every day following this:

and filling out my story files a bit. character files, settings, magic system work, stuff like that. the plot is already done.


This is so cute and informative! :blush:


right? i’m having fun filling it out… even though i don’t know what some of the days mean. what’s a dream novel, nanowrimo?? a novel you want to write? just one?? how do you describe that in an ig post?

idk, i get 0 interaction anyways so i skipped that one :stuck_out_tongue:



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Screenshot at Oct 12 06-04-48


Screenshot at Oct 12 06-04-35


@Qualeshia12 @copyedit


Lmao :rofl:


10/10 the determination is clear, the churro is ready to write


Did you do that last time? :sweat_smile::flushed:

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Yes! I’ve had one year off in the… 12? years I’ve been doing it! :smiley: Pantsing all the way. I decided to do a small, vague plan at the start of October which was a bad idea - that project? Already started and will be finished come November. Oopsies. So at midnight on the 1st, I guess I’ll just wing it!


So, you’re just going with the flow this time?


As I do every year! Never once had a plan of what I was going to write, decided to try it this year… and reminded myself of why I don’t!

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Going with the flow is the best thing to do for NaNoWriMo to be honest.


I tend to wing with my stories then get overwhelmed in the middle or something. :sweat_smile:

I just can’t plot like most people…or at all.

Good luck to you overall! :grin:

Ha, I can understand… I usually say to myself “this will be an easy 50k” and by the 100k mark I’m still no closer to finishing. Small bit of advice though, try using Scrivener. It lets you wing it to your hearts content, but you can add in chapter summaries so you can muddle through the mess if it gets overwhelming!


Makes sense. Though people do over-plot if that is a thing.

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