Any NaNoWriMo [rant, discuss, troubleshoot, share, idk whatever you like]

Ooh! :hushed:

I’ve never won NaNo, but usually I try to meet the daily quota, but not this time. No way I’m going to kill myself trying to write over a thousand words a day. A hundred is plenty. To Kill a Mockingbird and the entire LoTR trilogy were written at a rate of 100 words a day, so that’s enough for me! (>‿◠):v:


Quick Question: When you win NaNo, do you get like any prizes or something in result of you winning?

Do you know anyone who won NaNo or no?

I know that they give out cups and shirts and such, but what else are they giving out for winners is something I’ve wanted to know.

Though you have to purchase some of those things, I suspect.


I know plenty of people who’ve won NaNo through the years, but no, you don’t actually win anything. They give you codes for discounts on things like Scrivener and other writing programs, though. You always have to purchase cups and shirts and such–they never give those out for free. But if you spend a certain amount on merchandise or just give them a $10 donation, I think you can still get a halo around your avatar for a year. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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Good to know. Thanks for answering! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think I remember you saying you were figuring this out. Was it something with gay romance?? Two magic people? Or something? (I still have a fever from my cold, so, forgive me if I’m wrong)

I like the badges and seeing the progress chart :grin: I don’t use the forums at all. Idk…just doesn’t feel friendly :sweat_smile:

What I have in mind is kinda old because I did work on it before. But it’s also kinda new, because the plot will change.


I first read this as “being hugged” and wondered what kind of weird and unique thing is going to happen when a vampire is hugged by a water sprite :stuck_out_tongue:

You could call it “preparation” and sneak it into NaNo later :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m guessing you gotta imagine what it’ll look like once published? :woman_shrugging:

Fellow pantser, hi :grin: Any idea or really none at all?

You get something like a digital badge, a digital trophy thing you can post on IG like

I like the 2019 one because it matches my character’s aesthetics by chance XD
Here’s my NaNo2019 story’s MC’s aesthetic board.


That is a good question, though.


True, lol. I might watch some videos tonight.


And a potential story? :wink:

Keywords: YA Fantasy, underwater, princess, Atlantis, sirens, Pandora’s Box, brother-sister relationship, (maybe) pandemonium, mother-daughter relationship.

I haven’t written a story where the focus is on a healthy relationship between siblings where they help each other and understand each other on a deep level.

What are your (potential) story’s keywords?

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@TheTigerWriter @Qualeshia12 @Akje @J.L.O @copyedit @CoffeebyNight

I found this video kinda interesting, especially the tip about Comic Sans.

I think these tips could be helpful for people doing NaNoWriMo to stay on track and to motivate them.


By weird coincidence I watched this video last night! And yesh, I’d never heard that tip about comic sans before. I’ll probably try all these tips before November’s out just to see if they help. But I doubt I’ll get 50k words anyhow. Still gonna do it and try to stick with it the whole month. Like they say, if you only get 100 words that’s still 100 words you didn’t have in October. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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Yup, your memory’s good! I was originally doing a magic story about two royal brothers fighting like William and Harry. Then I read Song of Achilles and decided to change it to a tragic gay romance. Now I’m trying to combine these stories, actually, but I still haven’t got an outline or a clear plot.

If I had to come up with keywords right now, though, I’d likely use these:

secret society
Georgian era
Ruritanian romance

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Ahh I tend not to watch these as they stress me out over not doing the ‘right things’ xD I can crank out a book in under a week, but I think when people hear my method they think I’m crazy!

I assume the comic sans tip is about swapping to writing using it as it can help creativity and feel less final/stifling compared to TNR/Ariel/Calibri?

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I think I’ll write a vampire x human x vampire fantasy Romance this year. It’s not something I’ve tried my hand at before. I did do a PNR trilogy for Camp this year, which is unfinished, but it wasn’t anything special. Normally I have zero idea, though. A character at the most, maybe. How about you?

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Yeah, I agree but this isn’t about that lol. There are no right things, just trial and error, and finding the right things that work for you. Or the right tips.

Yeah, and she also advises changing the color each day you write to see your progress, which isn’t a bad tip either. If you could be bothered, though.


Oooo that is SMART. I suppose that’s already a thing with Scrivener if you don’t stop until each scene is done!


I just realized that I may have to immerse myself in British history MORE THAN I ALREADY AM to pull off this ML.

Not a happy camper. lmao


I think the only way I can do NaNo is if I do it for myself in an under the books type of way, if that makes sense or something.
Does that make sense?

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