Ask Me Stuff, Don't Be Shy!

Okay, here’s more.

  • Favorite fruit and why?

  • If you could eat your favorite food, three times a day, for an entire week, what would it be and why?

  • If you could visit any country for free and get all the luxury things, where would you go and why?

  • What are some of your favorite books? List up to five.


I think Watermelon because of its connection to summertime and the amount of watermelon flavored candies. Only problem is that it can’t be cooked or baked. Do you know any kind of melon that can be put into pastries? Apples and peaches are good in pretty much all baked goods.

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Shirts off at the beach or nay?

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Do you have a sweet tooth?

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RuPaul, nah kidding I like bananas because I enjoy the taste, and also because I like the energy boost I get from them afterward.

K F C ! Fried chicken, duh! Because it’s delicious! :poultry_leg:

Honduras… because they aren’t woke :open_mouth: JOKING, I dunno to be honest. Spain is nice, but then the tourists come. Germany is nice, but they’re all a bit mental there. :thinking: I might just stay in Ireland, to be honest. For now and get all the luxury things there for free. :wink:

This is too difficult! :smiley:

@NotARussianBot I haven’t installed the Churroimitation.exe on you yet :wink:

Fat, old men with red tits? NO! NO! NOO! They should be fined, and ordered to cover up.

Anyone else who isn’t grossly overweight and older than 50? Sure. Usually that’s alright.

I prefer savory things if I am honest.



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You know Seamus on, what, is he WWE? Anyway, every time he gets up in front the crowd, Om like “It’s the perly girlie!” (No, I dinnae remember whi started that.) That dude is like Pearl-white. At least when they lobster, I can see them and am no longer blinded.


Lol, like he needs to go and get a fake tan white?

Slight pink tone, ice white. Like “Im snow blind” red-head.

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Some red heads can still rock a tan if they get it done right. :smiley:

He never did.

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He is extreme cream then.

He looks like a muscled Stay-puft marshmallow man with a little cayenne on top.

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Are there any topics you would like to be asked about?

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That’s why I didnt open up a post. Lol


Nothing in particular really, but if you want to be more specific:

You can ask me about Oscar, my sixteen month old Dalmatian. Or some of my stories/characters/Writing Processes.


But please nothing about politics, intersectionality, or culture. I think we’re all tired of those things.


What is your favorite Egyptian God?

Mine is Bastet but they are all very cool

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Mo Salah!

Jk, I don’t really have one. I didn’t learn much about them in school or documentaries, but Amun sounds cool mainly because of his omnipresent ability. Anubis as an escort is cool.

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