Ask the Team!

Oh, cool! thanks!

Do you remember who was it?

No I donā€™tā€¦ but you might find them around on the forum. I follow quite a lot of Wattpad stars :sweat_smile:

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Hi @anon66675141,

First, thanks for joining us over here at Wacky Writers. :slight_smile:

Weā€™ve only got about 400 users and from what Iā€™ve seen they all run in pretty similar circles so itā€™s likely that the word hasnā€™t spread yet.

You ask a very valid question and Iā€™m happy to give you as much direction as I can. Before I do that, however, I have to say that I am not an attorney, so what I have to say isnā€™t legal advice, itā€™s just my best interpretation of how to answer your questions.

Wacky Writers was born in an attempt to fill a void. In doing so, we also realized that there seems to be a pretty big gap between writers of different platforms. So why not create a forum that isnā€™t specific to one platform, but is accessible and open to users of all writing platforms? This is an open user forum for anyone to join. If you were to do a Google search for ā€œwriting forumsā€, youā€™d find plenty of them - weā€™re not the only one. Consider how many users made Discord servers and started directing their friends to other social media sites to interact.

As I am not a Wattpad administrator or staff member, I cannot speak to their Terms of Service or content guidelines. You might seek those out and confirm what their rules about this are. But if it makes you feel better:

  • I am still a Wattpad user. Nobody from Wattpad has messaged me or removed anything from my account.

  • All of our moderators are still Wattpad users. Nobody has messaged them or removed anything from their accounts.

  • It is not at all uncommon to see Wattpad users posting links to other sites such as: Patreon, Twitch, Inkitt, Tapas, Discord, and other social media. Thatā€™s really all we are: social media.

I cannot stress this enough: We are not an anti-Wattpad site. We are not a ā€œbashingā€ Wattpad site. In fact, we actively encourage our users to post their Wattpad content here in an attempt to drive more traffic to their work on Wattpad (I might argue that weā€™re actually helping Wattpad).

We are actively encouraging any and all users of any platform to join us here, from regular users, to ā€œcelebritiesā€, to former and current representatives. We do not tolerate bullying or bigotry here - but that goes for everyone. We will not tolerate someone joining and actively bullying other members of our forum, but we also will not tolerate someone joining and being bullied by other members of this forum.

All that to say: I do not think posting our information on your wall will prove to be detrimental. As other users have said, many people have posted our information with no negative response. I canā€™t say I know for sure what other writing sites think about our little corner of the internet here, but so far, they donā€™t seem to care.

I am happy to clarify any of this and answer more questions.



Thank you so much for explaining all this to me! I appreciate all the time you spent writing that reply and for creating this site (we really needed it) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I feel more comfortable now sharing this forum on Wattpad for others to join :heart:


If you use an invite link when you invite people, youā€™ll get a badge, too. :sparkles:

Profile > Invites > Send Invites > Multiple Users (this lets you generate a link!)

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Iā€™ve been told Iā€™m long-winded and over-explain too much sometimes. :sweat_smile:

You are welcome!! Iā€™m happy we have so many people joining us here.

Excellent!! Please let me know if you have additional concerns. I do my best to be as upfront and transparent as I can.


I am facing a problem. Here:

Hey Tiya! We have disabled the < ! - code for the safety of the site and to prevent malicious attacks. That code line can be used to hide comments and weā€™re trying to avoid those as well.

Is there an alternative way for you to load your code in your thread? Iā€™m here to help, so just let me know.


Ah okay.

But if youā€™re trying to prevent people from hiding comments, then I donā€™t know how ( :sweat_smile: ) but after I wrote that code except the html thingy it went hidden.
Like this:

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It was Sabrina @SabrinaBlackburry who posted the announcement on her profile :smiley:


Thanks, Nabeela :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yeah weā€™re aware. The ā€œcommon knowledgeā€ code is the one we blocked and weā€™ve put it in our coding rules that we donā€™t allow blank comments - mostly itā€™s just to discourage people from trying to hide stuff that probably shouldnā€™t be said in the first place. :joy:


Haha, okay.

Dang I was just checking if the blank comments work

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Is it possible to change usernames here?

Back on Wattpad, the username automatically changes if you change your name on the wp account but I donā€™t think thereā€™s a setting for it here?


I think the option to invite via link went away :frowning:

Yes there is! If you go to your profile and preferences, you should be able to at the very top a section that says ā€œUsernameā€ with your current username under it. The pencil next to your username allows you to edit. Hope this helps!


I still see it. What device are you on?


Im currently on a phone, ill check computer soon. Lemme show you what it looks like

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