Brainstorming For You - I ask, you answer [update inside]

I like brainstorming worlds and stories for other people. It’s so much fun :grin: Why not put that to use?

(Feb. 4, 2025 note: updates)

Information I need from you
(You don’t have to have answers for everything.)
Basic plot so far:
Plot things you’re struggling with:
Worldbuilding things you’re struggling with:

Note: Feel free to message me directly if you’re worried about spoilers. If you ever publish your book anywhere, I’m totally fine with spoilers because it’s different being told and actually reading it in the book. You can even tell me if they fall in love or if someone dies. I’m fine with knowing. I’ll still read the published work if its my cup of tea :blush:

Here’s some things I’m good with:

  • Magic systems: origin stories, how they work, limits, who can do what, and all the stuff

  • Fantasy species: origin stories, what they look like, how do they live, why they exist, etc.

  • Human relationships: if you have a story with a bunch of people involved, I can give suggestions on how to make it murkier, light-hearted, believable, etc.

  • Social structures: hierarchies, politics, people’s roles in society

  • The overall plot flow: When it’s not my own story, I can very clearly see where we can brainstorm up some options to make a nice story. Make it happy? Devastating? Horrifying? Whatever you like. I can conjure up a happy ending and a sad ending, perhaps…idk, we’ll see.

  • Unique world: if you have a unique world like maybe the world is all underwater or everyone is a ghost or the beings are made of machines, I can help you brainstorm ways to tie up loose ends

  • Tech/magi-tech: I’m not a sci-fi specialist, but from a non-sci-fi perspective, I can ask layman questions that might help tie up odd bits :stuck_out_tongue:

Note that I WILL be bombarding you with questions and expecting answers, but also note that I’m editing, writing, and doing lots of other stuff outside Wacky, and sometimes my mental health goes south, so be patient with me, thanks :blush:

Okay, let’s see how this goes…



Just tagging some people I know are in the midst of writing something because I saw you in my Out of Context thread recently :stuck_out_tongue:


Depending on how long this thread will be around, I may come back. I started two new novels’ first drafts and I am not at the point where I need to share everything.

I am trying not to think about what to do with my first draft, I have an idea of where to go.


Great idea for a thread! I’m not struggling with anything at the moment, but will certainly check back from time to time to see what others are doing and when I run into any blocks myself in the future. ( ˆ◡ˆ)۶ ٩(˘◡˘ )


May yet come back here :joy:


falls in on dragon

Just to make sure I do this right, I talk about different things of the story for you to ask questions about, right?


I shall return soon.

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Yes, you can jump right into the details. We’ll figure everything out as we go along :blush:


Hi guys, I’ve finally returned. It’s been kind of a hectic week :sweat_smile:


Hey! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Heeeyyyyyy :grin:

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Can’t wait to see what you have in store.

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[Question for anyone who feels like it]
When people are born in your world, does anything unusual or unique happen?



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falls in on dragon a second time

Doing this for the story that has Kasix, Olgan, Tidnu, and Urdu.

Birdfolk, catpeople, centuars, and dragonkin

Ok, so there’s four species.

Each one can shapeshift into an animal that correlates to them (so birdfolk can become hawks, eagles, or other birds, catpeople can turn into domestic cats or wild felines, centaurs can turn completely into horses, and dragonkin can turn into dragons).

When not in those forms, they have some characteristics of them.

Birdfolk have feathers on their arms, catpeople have cat ears and tails, and dragonkin have scales. Centuars have the usual horse torsos, but also have manes in this universe.

Social structures

The birdfolk and catpeople have one leader, while the centuars and dragonkin have two. All of them have advisors to the leaders, a few who protect the towns, etc.

Among the catpeople and dragonkin, they also have roles for things such as hunting and gathering. The catpeople send out the hunters and gatherers at dawn and dusk, while the dragonkins send them out a few hours after dawn, and a few hours before dusk.

They’ve had some conflicts with each other, but are currently in a state of peace with each other. They even do trade.

Some other things

Each species has a special orb in the middle of the town that helps protect the town, as well as strengthening their shapeshifting powers and abilities. When they get further from the town, they can still shapeshift and use the animal related abilities, it’s just not as strong.

Each town also has a historical island in the sky. Historical as in, they used to live on those islands, before they moved to the current towns.

There’s also a waterfall and pool of water in the center of the towns’ areas. This was where the last battle before they became peaceful happened, and is essentially seen as sacred, both because it’s where the species’ made their truce, and because it has the cleanest water in the entire world.

Basic plot so far

So far, what I have is there’s a prophecy that warns about the antagonist, and tells of each species sending out one of their own to stop them.

Each of these individuals has unique powers, as well as some other features (for example, the chosen dragonkin (Urdu) can see memories, and they also have glowing eyes).

About a month before they start their journey, the orbs in the towns start failing, meaning not only do the species’ powers and abilities start weakening, but they have to increase the guards to account for the weakening protection of the orbs. The only powers not affected are the unique ones the individuals in the prophecy have.

In the last chapter I wrote, they’ve come across a huge temple that they think might give them some info on the antagonist. They’re trying to figure out how to enter, as the entrance is sealed by powerful magic.

Really hope I did this right and that it’s not confusing-

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Yes, you did it right :blush:


Yeah, I like to think that births on Alagossia aren’t so interesting. Unless that person is a Saint or a Ravakalyn.

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Update, update,

Okay, so you need to tell me things about your world for me to help you brainstorm. I can’t brainstorm out of the void. I can ask random questions but I already have a thread for that. I know I don’t update that thread often, but I’ve been so busy since the start of January :tired_face:

Last stretch of things.


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I shall come to ask you questions based on the info in a few days :grin:

Meanwhile… Is there anything about the world building or plot that you’re especially having trouble with?

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It doesn’t matter if you think they’re interesting or not. The point is the information and telling me all the stuff :grin: So, you can say, “It’s the same as earth as we know it”. And then based on that, I could ask questions like “Oh okay, so do children ever get adopted when they’re babies? Do surrogates exist?” and things like that. Maybe there might be something you haven’t thought about.

I like to search for questions you haven’t thought about :grin:

So, what makes someone a Saint? Is that by birth?