Desert Desserts - Group Editing

@Vintaginity II Sent Chtr 17 I Awaiting Chtr 18
@EKShortstories II Sent Chtr 19 I Rcvd Chtr 22-23
@KnightofEmpires II Sent Chtrs 11-14 I Awaiting new

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The Crew:
@Vintaginity (chapter 18)
@EKShortstories (Chapter 22)
@TMinx804 (Chapter 17) -

If you know anyone interested in joining, please send them a link to this thread. :slight_smile:

Hiatus due to inactivity:
@KnightofEmpires (catchup)

^Those on Hiatus are welcome and encouraged to join any week. I just don’t want to stress you out with too many chapters to catch up on. There’s no time limit on the hiatus as everyone is always welcome.

@EKShortstories || Sent Full Book | Completed Chapter 22 & 23
@TMinx804 || Sent Full Book | Completed Chapter 17
@KnightofEmpires || Sent Full Book | Received Chapter 14

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Happy Monday! Things are starting to get a little crazy around here so I just sent my full document instead of the individual chapter. I’m going to switch my editing to that one so that all the stuff is in the same place.
:slight_smile: This is also the document I pull from for uploading on wattpad.


@Vintaginity || Added Chapter 14 to Blood & Cinders (11-20 doc) | Completed chapter 8 of 25
@TMinx804 || Added Chapter 14 to Blood & Cinders (11-20 doc) | Completed chapter 10 of 13
@EKShortstories || Added Chapter 14 to Blood & Cinders (11-20 doc) | Completed chapter 14 of 26

Just thought I would update this to keep track for myself I will slowly chip away at the back log this month. I am so sorry I am swamped with work. Got booked solid with meetings for the month and have my own stories to update too for my WP schedual but gonna try and get caught up and send some more Blood & Cinders. :slight_smile:


@Vintaginity @EKShortstories I will edit/ comment on your full docs going forward! @TMinx804 I belive your’s is still seperate chaps but I have it all :slight_smile:


I also just threw my last few chapters into one doc. I am starting to go through and edit from the printed manuscript, so i think that will help keep everything together.
I think for book 2 I will just keep adding onto one doc, instead of doing separate chapters…I have so many documents that are single chapters and I am starting to feel disorganized


It seems like a good option if you are sending it out and such. I like the individual chapters because then i force myself to read through them before putting it in the secobd document

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@KnightofEmpires welcome backkk!!!
Received: Chapter 14 / Sent Chapters 11-26
@Vintaginity Completed Chapter 19 / Done Chapter 22-23
@TMinx804 Completed Chapter 17-19/ Done Chapter 22-23

Hi guys! This week I am not adding anything. I gave access to my full book, most of you are very close to being done with it anyway. I am going to start on an edit of the printed book and then hopefully find a beta reader. So please enjoy finishing that book at your own pace!
Next week I would like to introduce my 2nd book- Daughters of the Moon -about witches, while I work on editing 12 things and finish writing Smear- my 3rd book about the granddaughter of Elizabeth Bathory.


I’m soooo excited for your new work!!

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@Vintaginity | Completed Chapter 19 | Sent 24-25
@TMinx804 | Received Chapter 20 | Sent 24-25
@KnightofEmpires | Completed Chapter 14 | Catching Up
@Vintaginity — I feel like you should share another WATTPAD story here!! I really liked the military one and it’ll give me an excuse to keep reading it on a schedule, but up to you!! We’re about to move at the end of Oct, so I know how it goes!

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The Crew:
@Vintaginity (Full Book)
@EKShortstories (Chapter 24-25)
@TMinx804 (Full Book) -

If you know anyone interested in joining, please send them a link to this thread. :slight_smile:

Hiatus due to inactivity:
@KnightofEmpires (catchup)

^Those on Hiatus are welcome and encouraged to join any week. I just don’t want to stress you out with too many chapters to catch up on. There’s no time limit on the hiatus as everyone is always welcome.

@EKShortstories || Sent Full Book | Completed Chapter 24 & 25
@TMinx804 || Sent Full Book | Completed Full Book
@KnightofEmpires || Sent Full Book | Completed Chapter 14

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I’ve been trying to figure out what I was going to share next XD. I’ve been working on some editing of Cake Toppers but had to put that all away due to our move. (Since I’ve had it printed out for years I’m just doing my first edits on paper) I can share Deer, since it’s only 10 chapters but the first one is like 8k or 9k long and they get substantially shorter with every chapter, it also has a weird concept with it where there are NO character names throughout the whole book. At least the main characters, you shouldn’t ever know any of their names, and it’s based on a really bad boyfriend. If you can even call him that.

But other than that, I haven’t felt pulled in any direction on any of my drafts that I need to get done and not sure which one I want to write next. So if there is a specific wattpad story of mine that interests you let me know since I’m not fully decided haha.

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Just want to put out there that this group has been so incredibly helpful and I am grateful to you all! Even the smallest of edits has been helpful. :slight_smile: Plus I love all the stories. they are so interesting in their own way.


Quick question though, given the story, do you guys think it would be better if dirt came from her mouth or should I leave it as blood? This was during one of Lola’s visits to Monica at night.

-Lola’s eyes rolled back in her head and she opened her jaws wide as blood came gushing from her mouth onto Monica’s bed and body.

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I can see a reasoning for both. Dirt would help lead her to being buried and could be something that gives Lola yet another heads up. :slight_smile: The blood was spooky when I read it and added for the nice detail of the sheets still being dry instead of wet from the blood and you wouldn’t get that from the dirt.

Also I’m so glad this group has been so helpful for you. I’ve loved every single part of it and I’m so glad to have gotten the support I’ve gotten. :slight_smile:

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Did you guys read my Christmas book? I can’t remember if I shared it here or not, but I could send that one to you next. :slight_smile: Since it’ll be posted after my Halloween one.

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I haven’t read anything else from you, so obviously anything would be new and fine lol

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