Desert Desserts - Group Editing

I quite enjoy editing if it’s a story I like. I’ve got a few stories up on WP that I’ve edited to the point that they are grammatically clean, but I’ve not got any plans to make them ‘shine’ as I don’t ever plan on publishing them outside of WP. They’re good enough for WP readers! However, with the stories I love, I could keep editing them forever - continuously making improvements by adding/removing entire scenes, through to small changes to word choice/sentence structure.

I guess I have the luxury of only writing for fun. If I was planning to publish I’d probably have to take editing more seriously, and in that instance I could see how I’d end up not enjoying the process.

From what I’ve read of your work so far, it is already very good. So is now the point you need a professional editor to take over, perhaps?

PS. Thanks all for your comments on me falling behind. @Vintaginity, in that case I won’t go on hiatus just yet and I’ll slowly catch up.


Shea’s thoughts on DOTM!

I loved Simone’s journey into villainy. The entire first half had me rooting for her, and when it became clear that her mother had sold her soul, I was right there with her when she thirsted for blood. It was right about then when Simone did a complete reversal, and I had a hard time connecting with her for the remainder of the novel. I thought about why this was, and I don’t have the document anymore so I’m going off pure brain power, but I was missing her reasonings. Yes, she’s pissed, and those bitches should pay for selling an unborn baby’s soul, but why did she want to kill them? She wanted power? Yes, I believe so, but why did she want power? She wanted payback, which made sense, but why? Because they sold her soul? It’s a reason, but it falls flat—and I hate saying that in a critique; it feels like a cop-out, but I wanted to root for Simones’s character so badly, there was just no reason for me to. If that makes sense. Especially having such a dramatic change in her, I needed something to cling to other than just following along for the ride since if this were a book on a shelf, i might have skipped to the end to see what happened.

That creepy little dude was uncalled for (in a good way, haha)! What the heck was he? Why was he there? Who was he? WHAT DOES HE MEAN? Why didn’t Simone look into this? Why didn’t Simone’s mother explain? Those scenes were my favorite! And the last scene with Simones’s twins and the dreams was a KILLER way to end!

I’m jumping around here, but now that I mentioned the twins, I have to talk about motives. What are Simone’s motives? What are any of their motives? The only ones with motive after the reveal are Carlee and her sister—more of them early on, please, since they play such an important part in the end, I would have expected to know them far better by then.

A bigger question is, if Simone was so upset about what her mother did to her soul, why would she turn around and do it? Her whole deal was being pissed for not having a soul, which drives her to demand everyone kill their mom. (BTW, why was everyone cool with that? Is this evil nature an inherent quality in witches?) Then she turns around and declares that they would do the very same thing they were all so upset about but better. So their whole motives, the whole reason each one turned into a villain, just fell through the glass.

My thoughts are all over, but I loved the love interest plot! That was fantastic! Phineas was my guy until he turned psycho too, but damn that fox did him so dirty. Not mad about it, though. He was going to rat out the sisters! Simones’s reaction to his death was so. damn. good. Wow. I felt for her evil ass!

In the end, I would have liked to have more understanding of Simone’s character after her realization of the truth. It would feed into why exactly she flipped and planned to kill everyone to pave the way for a new coven. More Carlee and her sister early on, as children, maybe even just as much as Simone. —I read your post earlier about preferring to write villains, so how cool would it be to give one of them the opposite arc of Simone? It could really play into why she(forgetting her name but the sister not pregnant) felt so protective of Carlee and so distant from their mother. Just throwing out an idea. Please ignore me if it’s unwanted! (:

Another important thing to note, your plot twists were fantastic and very unpredictable! I don’t recall any scene I wanted to skim or wonky pacing. Your writing is clean and easy to read. Well done. I can’t wait to read more of your work!

I’ve never read a horror story before, so please take that into consideration when reading this! Sorry, this took 10 long years to get to you. >.< Let me know if you have any questions!


Thanks so much for that. I got similar feedback about motives from someone outside of this group too. The little imp guy was just a little demon following her around until the 25 yrs were up and it was time to claim her soul.
I think that’s one of the revisions i struggle with a lot, fixing the murdery plot hole. Ironically, i liked evil Simone better! But im going back through the 1st half trying to add more reason for a deadly coup.
Part of the story was meant to be the irony of the daughters falling into the same cycle their mother’s did but i think i need to find a way to work that better. But these witches are inherently selfish, ruthless, probably more followers than leaders.
(I hope we’re all in a group yet for book 2 and 3. Book 2 is a war between the daughters’ daughters- 3rd generation, simones twins. So the coven will split into good vs bad. Book 3 follows Fallon and Carlee as they escape to the deep south. Think alligators, hanging moss and swamp witches that are into Voodoo!)
Sorry if these posts are long or annoying but it helps me to talk out stuff at times. If it’s in the way maybe i can take it to a chat of some kind)

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Maybe im just kind of stuck on fixing plot holes. I’ve always, even during grad school 20 page research papers, been a one draft and done writer. So i think it feels unnatural for me to edit. But i need to get used to it. Hoping i can channel your love of editing!! (Or at least tolerance!)

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I am on hiatus, will be back in sometime :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much! That is so sweet of you. :purple_heart:

@All - In regards to my story, I mean that my story is unedited and just written as a hobby, by no means is it on the same level as those that I’ve read here that I feel are ready to be sent to professional editors and to a publisher. Also my story Cake Toppers was written 2017 and the two sequels were written not much later than that. So I’ve done a lot of growing since these books. XD I wasn’t trying to bag on my stories, I know my stories are more fluff and just to make someone feel good, whereas I feel the stories in this group are more in depth and planned out with real concepts and thoughts behind them. This wasn’t meant to be a hit at mine, just a major compliment at the stories i’ve read here. I guess it just depends on which book of mine you are reading haha. Yall have me excited with this mermaid talk that part of me wants to start sending my mermaid book again, but I know for a fact that one is no where near where I’d want it to be before sending it to the group. If only I could find the passion for writing again. Lately it’s been video editing and that takes up most of my time. But anyways, I’m rambling now and that’s what I do amongst friends. I’m so proud of all of the hard work every single one of you have put into your stories, and sorry i’ve been a little MIA the last week and a half. :slight_smile:

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I can’t edit to save my life, and that’s why I have 13+ books fully written that I haven’t even passed the first draft on. Editing will be the death of me if I ever get around to actually doing any of it on my own stories. I enjoy it quite a bit on others stories as long as I can come from a commentary point and less of the grammatical and puncution type stuff because english wasn’t my best subject in high school.

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I will get you put on a Hiatus. Please let us know when you would like to join us again. :slight_smile:

I’m so sorry to hear that! I hate when boys do that stuff to us, unless it’s in a really good book and I don’t have to deal with the actual emotions of it. Everything will work out how it needs to and please let me know if you need to vent about anything. Also would you like me to put you on Hiatus for the time being or are you still planning on reading chapters each week and just not sending any? I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed with anything here.

We could have a mermaid summer!! :merperson:t3: :merman:t3: :mermaid:t3: :heart_eyes: Video editing is an awesome skill! I’m not good with that stuff at all. You will find yourself inspired to write again soon. I feel like writers can never stay away too long.

So glad I’m not the only one! I feel bad bc I feel like I wrote these stories and left them to die lol

:mermaid:t3: Tiffani :merman:t3:

@Vintaginity - Cake Toppers- 21 // 13
@KnightofEmpires - Wolf & Hood- 10 // 4
@CarlaBlack - Ornella’s Fable- 30 // 22
@Shea - Throne of Misery- 17 // 17
@norwood515- The Reason Jude Exists- 10 // 10
@Halfley - To Catch a Dream- 1 // 1

The Siren’s Lullaby Chtr 1 has been shared.

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- The Desserts -

User || Book || Chapter # || Email ||

@Vintaginity || Cake Toppers || 13 ||

@TMinx804 || Smear || 34 ||

|| The Siren’s Lullaby || 1 ||

@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 34 ||

@Shea || Throne of Misery || 18 ||

@Norwood515 || The Reason Jude Exists || 11 ||

@Halfley || To Catch A Dream || 2 ||

@KnightofEmpires || Wolf & Hood || 1 ||

- The Deserts -

Please do not send chapters to those on Hiatus unless asked to do so. Members in a catch up status will stay there until asked to be removed or once it has been more than 60 days since their last response. Members on a Not Responsive status will be removed after 3 weeks of being on the hiatus tab, and are welcome to rejoin when they want.

@akaiItachi || Spells || Hiatus ||

- Brittani’s Tracking -

@TMinx804 || The Siren’s Lullaby || 1 || 1

@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 35 || 35

@Shea || Throne of Misery || 18 || 18

@Norwood515 || The Reason Jude Exists || 10 || 10

@Halfley || To Catch A Dream || 1 || 1

@KnightofEmpires || Wolf & Hood || 40 || 31

|| Midnight Lotus || 1 || 1

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far! I’m excited for the next cycle of stories since it seems a few of them have finished and we are getting new work. Here’s to another good week with some great books! If you need to go on Hiatus just let me know.

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- :cactus: Knightlys Tracking List :cactus:-

My Stories:
:fire:Blood & Cinders- 31 chaps complete
:crescent_moon:Wolf & Hood-60 chaps complete
:white_flower:Midnight Lotus- 1 chap - ongoing

Group Stories:

:cake:*@Vintaginity || Cake Toppers || 21 || 10

:drop_of_blood:*@TMinx804 || Siren || 1 || 1- waiting on chap 2
|| Smear || 34 || 27

:fireworks:*@akaiItachi || Spells || 22 || 22- waiting on chap 23

:wolf:*@CarlaBlack || Ornella’s Fable || 25 || 13
:full_moon:*@Shea || Throne of Misery || 17 || 17- waiting on chap 18

:cupid:*@Norwood515 || The Reason Jude Exists || 10 || 10- waiting on chap 11

:love_letter:*@Halfley || To Catch a Dream || 1 || - Waiting on chap 2

User || Book || Chapters Posted || Last Chapter Read ||

- Comments -

Hey all I am EXHAUSTED! :sleepy: Omg between work, personal life, health and home your girl is pooched. No energy for creative stuff just wanna veg haha. But I am trying! @Vintaginity and @CarlaBlack still getting caught up on your stuff this week. :slight_smile: @Vintaginity I sent 40-50 of Wolf & Hood- you are ripping through it haha. Midnight Lotus update pending, just doing some finishing touches but will be posted later today!

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I am not having a good time reworking this chapter. It’s pure chaos. But here it is nontheless! Im a lil behind on crit this week but I’ll catch up asap! (:


Ohh I feel you Midnight Lotus is doing that for me right now lol - slow go. But please put in comments anyhwere if you want our opinion/ thoughts on things and happy to help <3 Hope you have a good rest of the week !


This week has turned into pure chaos for me too it seems like haha. I feel like there is nothing on my to do list, but we are in over our heads busy. How does that even happen haha?


I have also not written anything this week. I just feel blah.

But I have been thinking. To the people that have finished Smear…do you think it would work for me to add in a section at the end before she finishes off Dominique about how she never told Dominique about her last potential mate. That they tried to betray her or out her or something and that is why she no longer trusts leaving humans alive? Something maybe along the lines of them recording her without her knowing to post it on social media but she catches it and kills them. ?? If you guys have any other ideas, I’m open to listening!

  • I added something along those lines to the last chapter if anyone wants to take another peak, the addition is in red font so it is a very quick read.

Oh lordy I just saw this! I’m definitely going to read chapters. Just not sending any for the time being. I’m also working on a fae story so maybe once that’s done with the whole planning thing, I can wor on both. Because I really want to finish this story. Both the fae one and How to Catch a Dream are stories I wanted to write. So, I’m just going to find a way to get back into writing.