Do you have a website for writing?

I was just curious if ya’ll had a blog or a writer website (even wixsites, weebly, and the like is fine) I’d love to check it out and interact with it. I’m still in the middle of making mine with Wix so… can’t share my own.


Good for you! Every serious writer should have a website. I did a blog post on it once, with links to professional writer sites you can check out.
Atm I have no money so I’m using free sites myself, but when I start selling books I’ll buy a domain name. In the meantime I’m using NeoCities and Wordpress. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


Nope. I’m not really a serious writer though lol. My friend does though. She isn’t on Wacky’s - would it be okay if I shared hers? It’s literally the most beautiful thing ever and I’m so proud of her xD


Wix? Use so that ugly Wix watermark doesn’t show up and overpower your whole website :frowning: it’s much better as well, imo.


Sorry, I couldn’t resist, when I saw Douma, I smiled. :smiley:

To answer your question, nope I have not.


I’d love to see it! (*^-‘) 乃

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I don’t have a personal website for writing no. I have my Amazon Page with the books I’ve already published.

My webcomics on the other hand all have their own websites.


Haha okay. Here is is x3


I post all my writing related thoughts on Wattpad Conversations. When I am not too lazy I also repost it on IG, but meh. I am not into pictures and videos. I don’t really like social media. Wattpad is enough for me, outside of it nobody cares about my writing.


Nice! I’ll add it to my list. __〆(..)

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I have a website that I use a lot now that I’m actually published. Made it myself on Wix and bought a domain so I own it and there’s no giant Wix ads that I’m aware of


I have a wordpress site. It’s a combination of an author site/blog plus a technical blog because I don’t have time to run two sites (plus I’m currently not making any money from it and there’s some cost to it - it’s not high, I’m doing it cheaply and on my own but I haven’t capitalized on this effort just yet).

It’s due for an overhaul and redesign and all sorts of cleanups but I try to update every once in a while.


The taglines on your site are so awesome and interesting o.o

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That’s good to hear. Do you mean the post excerpts?

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The ones for your books! :smiley:

You actually went there, huh?
Well, thanks. That’s good to hear.

I question myself if it makes any sense to have a book page when none of them are available for purchase, but it’s been an interesting exercise to present them as if they were.

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I think it makes sense to have them there - it’s still a platform to promote yourself on and show you’re serious!

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I have one. It’s not updated in terms of the books I’ve been writing, but I do have some writing advice on there that is as up to date as it can be. The last article I wrote is last year :sweat_smile: I need to update it soon.

I use wordpress.

Here’s Foxwood Forest.


No… but I should. :sweat_smile:

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Aw I love your logo!

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