welcome to graphic stalkers, a place where all designers can share their latest graphics and resources.
welcome to graphic stalkers, a place where all designers can share their latest graphics and resources.
b u m p
b u m p
Hey there,
Your thread looks like it’s better suited to #artistry-castle:feedback-tutorials-resources , so I’ve gone ahead and moved it there for you.
– Joy
Ohhhhhh I love yours! So neat and professional!
Thank you!
I love the trilogy covers especially!
b u m p
Thank you! I made those for a friend!
Ok so here’s some graphics I’ve done awhile ago
Book covers I’ve made for some of my books I’m writing
I’m updating one at a time
Tool Man
Book cover this one was the first book cover I had for this book when I started writing it
I changed it to new one I recently made
Book cover 1
Book cover 2 (this is the new one I have for this book I have been writing plan to update it soon)
This book I’ve not started writing it yet, I got to start on it soon)
These two I made recently as well
Ooh cool! I think the manip on the second cover is much smoother and Camila looks like a Queen! Great job!
thank you sm! i know right?! an absolute goddess! i used to have topaz clean, which makes anything look smooth, and i’ve been trying to find it again, but have been unsucessful. i can’t wait to get it again
nice sweetie! what editor to you use?
wow the text was easeir to see in pixlr XD
imma go fix that
They’re cool! I like Howler quite a lot!