How do you have your coffee?

That’s fine. Unlike sugars, it’s a wholly unnecessary addiction.

Besides, my clarification wasn’t something “the establishment” Agrees with, so it wouldn’t be taught that way in classes, even when it’s fairly easy to demonstrate.


I guess the better question would be for everyone here is “how do you have your tea” or something else.
Just my two cents.


I don’t like tea either lol.

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How do you feel about hot chocolate or rather hot cocoa?

Or do you hate all hot/warm beverage🤔

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To me, coffee tastes its best when it’s just poured down the sink. I have a friend who was saying how she makes great coffee. As if there’s such a thing. LOL I told her that I absolutely believed her, but I just dislike coffee so much that there’s no hope. To be honest, the smell of coffee makes me gag and I don’t like coffee-flavored anything.

In the morning, I prefer to drink a Coke. It’s my moment of bliss.


I rarely drink coffee, it’ll have me all awake and hyper for hours on end, and that’s just a quarter-to-half cup with lots of sugar and cream/milk. Plus, the crash is particularly bad for me, my hands shake really bad and I’m extremely drained, to the point where even moving hurts my head. I love the scent though, and I especially love coffee hints in baked goods.

I like hot cocoa.


Marshmallows or no marshmallows?

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Marshmallow is most favorable, but I’ll still drink without them.

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Cool. :sunglasses:

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Yes, redeemable qualities lol.

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Y’know, coffee tasted terrible to me at first.

And then my brain hard rewired to crave it and it started tasting nice. Acquired taste much.

I simp macchiattos.

And caramel lattes because I can’t lay off the sweetness.

My coffee machine has been to hell and back by this point. :upside_down_face:

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Oi m8 wot yew on abaht.

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Yellow and crooked

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I used to have coffee and I would drink it in a myriad of ways. (Like I would drink any and all coffee, coffee dates were in fact my favourite thing to do on my own or with a friend.) Most days it was percolated, and I’d drink it black with 2 sugars. Sometimes I’d have creamer, and whilst I was at uni for a while I had instant coffee. I would have 3/4 cups a day, I was lowkey addicted.

At the time I was struggling with my anxiety and insomnia and I worked out that the coffee was making the first it worse. I would get intense palpitations when I drank it so I decided to cut back at first, then eventually I turned to decaf. Then I would only drink coffee when I had migraines, but I had stopped drinking coffee for too long and instead of helping it started triggering headaches. Even decaf coffee!

Now I just stick to green tea and other herbal teas… It’s quite nice experimenting with new teas to try. The headaches are too debilitating so I’m too scared to try drinking coffee again.

I really miss coffee :frowning_face:

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I like tea better.

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I make it in a French press and take it with a little bit of milk

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none, just plain simple - no sugar

shop-made no doubt

ONly is it not the product i drink - then i would refrain from drinking coffee

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Black. I usually buy dark roast, grind it and make it in a small stove-top espresso pot. At work, I pick dark roast from the coffee machine they have. Over pandemics they only had pods, but now the machines are back. Overall, I am not obsessed with its quality, so long as it’s freshly ground and free of sugar, milk etc and not sour to taste.

The only thing I do weirdly sometimes, is that I throw lemon in, Turkish style


I don’t


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