I don't start a story unless I have a title. Seriously, I do not.

Most people create a title after they finish the whole story. As for me, I need to know my title before the story even starts.

I feel weird if I wait till the end of the novel or short story to figure out a title. It is like that for the chapters. I need to know what the name of the chapter is before I start it.

I don’t know why that is. I guess because knowing beforehand makes things sit better for me. I rather know now than later I suppose.

Which is a problem because now I need a title for my story, but I can’t think of one. I also refuse to do a temporary title too. I prefer to have the actual title that I’ve settled on rather than something that I will have briefly. It is a weird thing with me.

I can try to stick with a temporary title for now. Yet that is going to bother the hell out of me if I don’t choose a good and amazing title.

What do you think?


I’m a “whatevs…” type. I save things by anything that comes to mind, like To Make a Kinder Children’s Story was saved under Baby for the longest time (some of the files are still named that).

But others, I have a name in mind before I start.


Titles are more of a afterthought for me


That is so cool.

I wish I can be whatevs about naming my story. Too bad that will drive me bonkers and shit!


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…I thought it was Tales of Alterra. :eyes:


That is a name of the series as a whole.

But book one has a title.

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Wait. But I thought you didn’t have a title, hence this thread. Now I’m confused. :sweat_smile:


I’m not quite as bad but I have a little bit of the same problem. I don’t need a title to start but it definitely bugs me and I’ll keep it in the back of my mind. Most of my titles come from songs and sometimes I just have to suck it up and wait until I come across the right song. But I start writing when the characters are ready for me to, and they don’t seem to care whether or not they have a title lol

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I don’t have a title for book one but have a title for the novel series which is Tales of Alterra.

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So, you listen to a certain song and get inspiration from there?

Yeah, usually a lyric jumps out at me and I kinda know that’s the one, then I just have to figure out how to turn it into the title.

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Oh cool.

I’m similar. Not having a title for the story feels wrong to me. Books are my children and I don’t want them to have to wait until they’re adults before they get their name :joy: I am fine with renaming my book later on though, because sometimes they grow up to be something completely different than expected and that’s completely fine. This is a weird metaphor or whatever but it’s pretty accurate how I feel about them. Lol.

When I go through my book naming process, I usually make up a list of words that relate to my book idea in some way or another and combine them until I find something that feels fitting and/or catchy. I prioritize fitting over catchy though.

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Oh my gosh! This speaks to me on so many levels!

I really feel awkward if I try writing a story without a title. Hell, I can’t even write a story without writing down the plot. If I simply start, then I will immediately feel off about it.

I don’t know why that is, but I would love to just change that.

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I don’t think it’s something to need to change! Naming them helps to give an expectation to work toward and a reminder of what the original idea was. To me it’s helpful in the planning and visualization process of the book. Some people don’t need to use the title to help with that which is super cool, but I personally think it’s a staple with how I go about novel writing.

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Thanks. I did think of a temporary title for this novel.

Tales of Alterra: Rogue Knights
(Yeah, sounds real flippin’ original. :unamused:)

Whatever, it is only for a short time until I think of something better.

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Ahaha yeah finding fitting titles that sound original is really difficult :joy: I feel like certain title structures are overused because they work though. I don’t think yours is bad.

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Thank you again and I agree.

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I honestly feel the same. I don’t mind not having chapter titles, but for a book, I usually need a title before starting. But at the moment, I am working on a book without a title, and it’s a book I’m co-writing, and I’m only writing a short part of it so I don’t mind.
But if not having a title is bothering me, I usually take some time to figure it out, and then write. I think of these titles as working titles, and I’m open to changing them should any better option come up, but usually these are my final titles.


Something about having a title helps direct/focus my theming a bit. I don’t need it from the start, but between writing sessions I’ll often be thinking what to call a WIP.