It’s the slightly edited first draft, by the way.
It’s the slightly edited first draft, by the way.
I followed, and by the way, I love the cover design… It just says “Here I am, read my blurb!” as it’s so bright, and simply designed… I love that look!
Thank you so much!
@TheTigerWriter and @NatilladeCoco
What are some not-too-demanding book clubs and any other clubs?
The one club I’m in is pretty relaxed in terms of what is required to read (only 6 chapters per month, 2 from the Book of the Month + 4 from random members’ book(s))
You can read more than the minimum, of course
Dreamland Hunt: Dreamland Hunt - Dreamland Community - Wattpad
I’m not in this next one, but from what I’ve seen it’s also not very demanding:
Flexible Book Exchange: Flexible Book Exchange (Open) - Flexible Book Exchange - Wattpad
Oh cool. Thanks.
Maybe if I get some read for reads then I can get more people to look and even comment on my book, right?
Read for reads is also a way to get engagement, if you and your reading partner both agree on what kind of feedback to provide (casual/reactionary, in-depth, grammar, plot, etc.)
I am going to check those clubs out.
Thank you for telling me.
No problem! Hope you find some that work well for you ^.^
@NatilladeCoco @J.L.O @JojoDahlia @Akje @SecretDurham @TheTigerWriter @Churro
I have all my chapters, meaning chapter 0/prolouge to chapter 5. I already posted chapter 6.
Sounds like you’re doing what I did, and that worked out pretty good for me. Except I didn’t post a single chapter until the whole book was finished, and then I posted the whole thing at once in private posts. Then I unlocked one post every day for 62 days. Seemed to help the algorithm–after nine years I now have 29k reads. Hope it works for you too! ( ˆ◡ˆ)۶ ٩(˘◡˘ )
Yes. I am going with the read for reads soon-ish.
I am not going to rush my followers to read, people have busy lives and need time. Still, I love posting a new chapter on my own schedule.
Thank you.
Update: I am wondering if I should do an author note at the end of each part I finish. As a reminder/explanation on certain things.
Would anyone be interested in something like that? Curious to know.
A lot of other people do that, so it probably wouldn’t hurt. (*^-‘) 乃
I am glad I am getting views and likes, but I would LOVE someone to comment.
That is why I can’t quite seem to relax a little bit because no one is saying anything good or bad or even helpful.
I am wondering what I need to do in order to get comments. I am going with a read for read through a club, yet I have to wait on that. I just want to know what I am going to do now as I write.
I am sorry for sounding needy, I am just wondering.
Some put questions or short author notes at the end of their chapters to encourage engagement
I don’t really do that so most of my comments are from book clubs or read exchanges, though there are a few from outside readers every once in a while ^.^
That is it? That is all I needed to do? Also, I am currently on chapter 8. Is that alright since all of them are already published?
What kind of questions should I even ask? I was planning on putting author notes at the end of each part, I suppose doing it after at the end of each chapter is better.
Thank you for letting me know.
I have to wait till March to do that with one of the book clubs. I did nothing with the other book club. Talking about the links you sent to me.
I just post chapters and that is it.
Should be alright to add or edit things into already published chapters, though it would be good to announce those changes just in case (like I saw you did on the message board)