I went back to Wattpad!


It’s the slightly edited first draft, by the way.

I followed, and by the way, I love the cover design… It just says “Here I am, read my blurb!” as it’s so bright, and simply designed… I love that look!


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Thank you so much!

@TheTigerWriter and @NatilladeCoco

What are some not-too-demanding book clubs and any other clubs?


The one club I’m in is pretty relaxed in terms of what is required to read (only 6 chapters per month, 2 from the Book of the Month + 4 from random members’ book(s))
You can read more than the minimum, of course

Dreamland Hunt: Dreamland Hunt - Dreamland Community - Wattpad

I’m not in this next one, but from what I’ve seen it’s also not very demanding:

Flexible Book Exchange: Flexible Book Exchange (Open) - Flexible Book Exchange - Wattpad

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Oh cool. Thanks.

Maybe if I get some read for reads then I can get more people to look and even comment on my book, right?

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Read for reads is also a way to get engagement, if you and your reading partner both agree on what kind of feedback to provide (casual/reactionary, in-depth, grammar, plot, etc.)

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I am going to check those clubs out.
Thank you for telling me.

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No problem! Hope you find some that work well for you ^.^

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@NatilladeCoco @J.L.O @JojoDahlia @Akje @SecretDurham @TheTigerWriter @Churro

I have all my chapters, meaning chapter 0/prolouge to chapter 5. I already posted chapter 6.


Sounds like you’re doing what I did, and that worked out pretty good for me. Except I didn’t post a single chapter until the whole book was finished, and then I posted the whole thing at once in private posts. Then I unlocked one post every day for 62 days. Seemed to help the algorithm–after nine years I now have 29k reads. Hope it works for you too! ( ˆ◡ˆ)۶ ٩(˘◡˘ )

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Yes. I am going with the read for reads soon-ish.

I am not going to rush my followers to read, people have busy lives and need time. Still, I love posting a new chapter on my own schedule.

Thank you. :blush:

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Update: I am wondering if I should do an author note at the end of each part I finish. As a reminder/explanation on certain things.

Would anyone be interested in something like that? Curious to know.

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A lot of other people do that, so it probably wouldn’t hurt. (*^-‘) 乃

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I am glad I am getting views and likes, but I would LOVE someone to comment.

That is why I can’t quite seem to relax a little bit because no one is saying anything good or bad or even helpful.

I am wondering what I need to do in order to get comments. I am going with a read for read through a club, yet I have to wait on that. I just want to know what I am going to do now as I write.

I am sorry for sounding needy, I am just wondering.


Some put questions or short author notes at the end of their chapters to encourage engagement

I don’t really do that so most of my comments are from book clubs or read exchanges, though there are a few from outside readers every once in a while ^.^


That is it? That is all I needed to do? Also, I am currently on chapter 8. Is that alright since all of them are already published?

What kind of questions should I even ask? I was planning on putting author notes at the end of each part, I suppose doing it after at the end of each chapter is better.

Thank you for letting me know.

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I have to wait till March to do that with one of the book clubs. I did nothing with the other book club. Talking about the links you sent to me.

I just post chapters and that is it.

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Should be alright to add or edit things into already published chapters, though it would be good to announce those changes just in case (like I saw you did on the message board)