I'm a bit envious of these types of writers.

What type of writers am I envious of?

The ones who can do voice-to-text. They say the story aloud then it gets turned into text writing. Why does that make me envious, even if a little? Because they can voice out the story in the way they want it to go and just the simple fact that they can make it work.

I tried doing the whole voice-to-text thing once or twice, let’s just say I got annoyed by the sound of my voice and drawing blanks.

I thought about doing it, but it was a weird thought process I would rather not get into unless I speak to a therapist. Anyway, I put it into consideration…maybe.

I believe Google and possibly Word has that feature, but Word may also have that text-to-voice feature too.

So, I do envy writers that can pull that off. I wouldn’t say it’s easy for them, but it’s far easier for them than me at least.

Thoughts and feelings?


I have no idea how some people can do that. Meanwhile I have to write out a script for myself every time I have to make a phone call or else I’ll stammer. :smiling_face_with_tear:


You have Windows 11, right? There’s a program built in that does that, so you don’t need to use Google or Word if you don’t want to.


If the sound of your voice bothers you, then why not put on headphones or something so you can’t hear yourself…? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯


For real. LOL!


It’s also the fact that I have to get my thoughts together too.
Like when I take videos of myself, looking back on it freaks me out. Hearing my voice is the exact same way.


Not anymore. I have a Chromebook.


Omg I have no idea how people can do voice to text. It’s so hard creating a story by speaking


Yet somehow, some of them can pull it off more than others.

That is pretty cool in my honest opinion.

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It’s really cool and really weird at the same time

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Yeah. LOL!

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Anyone else???


Thoughts and feelings?

I’ve never tried it, so idk. But I probably can come up with a story from the top of my head because that’s how I started telling stories when I was little. It would be really messy though. Something like, “and then he says something witty like, idk, but then going back to the girl, idk what to call her, maybe…but then there’s a forest they’re walking through…oh! maybe there’s giants in here…”

My raven girl Wescherlie would say, “cut yourself some pie called slack”. It’s okay to draw blanks and you’ll get used to your voice. It’s weird like that in the beginning :sweat_smile: I know, because I make video content.

Don’t give up so soon :wink:


I just wanted to know if you find it interesting that there are people who are like that.
I am a bit jealous that they can pull that off so well.

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I never got used to my voice, I’m unnerved by the sound of it.

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I’m thinking maybe they practiced?

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True or half-assed it.

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You can get used to it if you have no choice :stuck_out_tongue: I have to listen back to my voice a lot and in the beginning I cringed a whole lot :sweat_smile:

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I…guess. :sweat_smile:

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