Introduce Your Characters (Part 15)

Cherry: “Thanks so much.” She grins real brightly.

Well Hota would be mega embarrassed lol they just don’t think they’re brave


I wanna tempt him more I wanna see where this goes

Nu: “Of course.” They nod.

no wait Monae–Hailey’s protected i meant lol

Yessei: “I’ve been nothing but trouble this whole time :kissing_heart:” She giggles after blowing a kiss. “Well, would you like a bite to eat? We have peaches and I can magic up some blood or something.”

Izi: “Okay so basically I’m actually a quantum superposition of a formerly physical form.”

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“and what of those?” Zelda points over to Adam and Sadie and oops I forgot the other… Amika? XD

Aww haha then Eve would be mad that Hota embarrassed haha. And in my head she’s likes “:pleading_face: you’re brave. You helped me over that big bridge.”

Of course you do xD and Oop why was my next thought like slave prisoner Nu to the Heroes xD dark xD

Ace: “id like to meet these powerful heroes soon. :smiling_imp:

That’s who I thought you meant but I was like… Nah lol

“peach flavored blood!” She jumps up and reaches out to help Yessei up in excitement.

“plausible.” She nods like it’s just a regular thing to say :rofl:

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yep yep

Cherry: “Did any of you want to come?”

Amika: “Huh?” Ze blinks. “I’m not opposed, but…”

Sadie: “Of course!” She grins.

wait there was a bRIDGE where???

:joy: yeah that’s a dark thought

Nu: “Oh, it’s such a struggle to get them together,” they complain. “They’re scattered all over the world. The universe, even.”

Queen: “Yes, I want to meet the Heroes, too.”

yep yep that’s who I meant Lex just can’t names

Yessei: “Got you covered :wink:” She grins, taking Heather’s hand.

Izi: “Not plausible. Just true.” He shrugs. “So that’s what I am.”

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Zelda whistles and some more birds come over to lead the others.

This was way back before they even started dating xD


Ace: “wouldn’t you want to keep your friend happy?” He gestures to the Queen for Nu.

You’re good xD

Heather cheers. “That sounds so yummy! I’m ready! Could… I tempt you to try some? :eyes:

She stared and introduces hereself “I’m Mrs. Chofski. Have you heard of me?”

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Sadie: “Oh wow, I had no idea there was another castle around!”

Amika grips Sadie’s hand warily.

oh dang long time ago then

Nu: “I can’t just make them all come here,” They protest, knowing full well they could. “I can… text them?”

Queen: “Yes, please, at least at some point,” she giggles.

Yessei: “Me? Oh, no, I’m good, but thanks.” She smiles a little bit, strutting over to the fridge. “But, there’s plenty for you.”

Izi gulps: “Here and there. Yep.”

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Zelda tells her new hehe peeps :hatched_chick: XD to hop on her fellow brethren

like a fever dream lol

lol I just picture like Hota chilling and getting clean in the shower and then getting poofed mid wash with soap bubbles covering all their bits and a cued comedic shriek XD

also a half dying siren izi haha

ace: “thanks… pal…” it sounds odd coming from his what should be a mouth but is more like a … beak? suction cup? not sure XD

“Look at you swaying your hips just lie a cheerleader.”

mrs. chofski: “I hope that’s good.”

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peeps! general name but hey it works

Amika and Sadie follow each other onto one of the birds gingerly before Sadie reaches to scratch beneath the bird’s feathers.

yk yep that sounds in character

also this haha

Nu: “Of course.” They nod, snapping their fingers instead of pulling their phone out to text.

Yessei: “Just for you~” She giggles, blowing her a kiss before pulling out two peaches. she takes a huge bite out of the first one and magics the other one into a cup of peach flavored blood.

Izi: “Yep. All good things.” He lies ofc lmao

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XD I just picture if I took. bite of of them they’re complete sugar haha

the bird seems to enjoy it and hops gently, probably akin to a horse bucking XD

XD love how I know them so well haha

there’s no fish out of water emoji so pretend this is it haha

Ace looks to the queen. “Could I get a tour?”

…I just realized, if Saba met Jessie we’d have a problem because Saba would become a drunk off Jessie’s magic drinks lol

heather: “so enticing.” she rolls her eyes playfully and takes the drink to try. she takes a small sip at first. “wait! this is so good!”


mrs. chofski: “wonderful! I thought so.” she nods sagely. “so, you ate the meat… did you drink anything with it? water’s got a weird effect and will make it stick a bit longer.”

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aww that’s sweet

Amika yelps: “Please don’t do that!”

Sadie: “But he likes it :pleading_face:

Cherry: “Are we ready,” she asks Zelda

there should be lol that’d be iconic

Queen: “Of course—some parts of the palace are being renovated right now but we’ll go to all the best parts.” She nods and stands. “Ready?”

Nu: “Hm? I am.”

omg chaos lol i think it would be funny

Yessei: “Were you making fun of my drink, Heather?” She giggles with a grin.

Izi blows bubbles in the water disappointedly. That means yes lol.

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yes, yes they are XD puns!

Zelda nods. “Off we go!”

“Wait!” Adam jumps on one of the birds.

just fishing pole lol

Ace: “Thank you for your hospitality.” he nods

wth is Jessie lol what even happened to typing lol - gotta make it happen! :eyes:

She blushed. “Mmm, no.” she giggles


Michelle: “there should be a warning label on that.” she crosses her arms with a pout while gio asks if izi would like to sue.

mrs. chofski rolled her eyes. “okay, you should be able to breathe outside the water. it may be uncomfortable though. have you tried already?”

Cherry chuckles when Adam jumps onto the bird. “Well, now are we ready?”

Amika and Sadie nod.

Queen: “Yes of course–I’ve never been one for private palaces.” She smiles. “Well, let’s go.” She starts off towards a door at the other end of the room.

gotta make it happen :eyes: nodding

Yessei: “Well, that’s a good thing.” She giggles and strolls over behind her to hug her. “Now, plans for today. I wanted to run to a farmer’s market briefly where Alice lives. Just to get groceries.”

Izi: “No I don’t wanna sue,” He grumbles. “Too much effort. Yeah I tried breathing out of water. Kinda hurts.”

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the others nods are the beds take off like jets in a formation

“when you’re strong enough to protect it, why do that?” he laughed ddeply


“meanwhile you could just magic some up.” she kisses yessei’s hand. “but doing it the normal way is more fun”

“you won’t die if push comes to shove, but alright. giant water bubble?” the dean blinks at him. “you have magic?”

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Sadie yelps and laughs, holding on tightly. Cherry nonchalantly holds on, looking at everything around her.

Queen: “Of course.” She agrees. “Although many people don’t even know this is here, since it’s so far North.”

Yessei: “Oh I completely agree,” She giggles. “And… maybe we go out to eat tonight?” Her face warms up a bit all cutesy like.

Izi nods: “I have magic. The things I can do with it are… very specific and also super vague.”

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Trees, trees, and more trees xD they eventually swoop up and boom giant nest village in the treetops xD

The Hawks circles

“It’s not a tourist trap then.” He nods and looks around. “What’s that?” He pointed.

“I would enjoy that.” She sighed.“You know…” She twirled some of Yessei’s long hair around a finger. “Have you ever tried short hair?”

“So could you make a water bubble? To breathe in?” The dean and Michelle both echo and Gio quickly makes a call and a gray head with short Chestnut waves pops out next to Izi.

“Hi!” Lockie shouts

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:eyes: What they circling though

Sadie reaches to give the bird more scratches lol just for funsies

Queen: “Oh, this?” She points at a painting. “This was my mother. Queen before me. Long may she reign.”

Yessei: “I think about it sometimes…” she sighs. “But I’ve grown out my hair for two hundred years…” She thinks.

omg short haired Yessei looks even more lesbian haha

wait does Izi know Lockie? I don’t remember

Izi: “Yeah I don’t think I can do that… but I know someone who-- oh, hey.” He waves at Lockie.

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Fun hehe and for a place to land. Boom they land on a giant bird air strip lol

“I think you look quite alike. Both admirable,” he flirts cringingly haha

Omg stahp xD author don’t do her like that haha

“I’ve seen you cut it.” Heather chuckles.“Luna gave you a trim.” She tucks a strand behind her ear. “But I do enjoy it long.” She whispers something not pg-13 in her ear lol

Don’t think so just CeBella and some others not Lockie

“bubble you said?” Lockie looks at Gio and he nods. Her gills on her cheeks open up to filter some water and she makes a bubble for Izi to be a bubble boy

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ahh ok i see

Sadie: “Woah, this is super cool.”

Amika: “Alarming that I never knew this was here.”

The Queen smiles some and nods. “Thank you.” She realizes what he’s trying to do but ignores it for now.

Nu: “I remember her. I visited her, too, briefly.”

:joy: hey

Yessei giggles a little bit, blush intensifying. “Well, let’s just say I enjoy it long, also.”

ahh ok good to know

Izi: “Do I just step into it?” He blinks. “Also thanks.”

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“Alarming that I’ve never seen one of your kind before.” Zelda looks like -.-

Henry: “let us show you to the royals, king and queen. :sweat_smile:

lol awww but my not really attractive deon dude wants crushes too haha

Ace: “how old are you? 0.0” he looks at nu

Heather moves in for a kiss.

she nods. “should be filled with breathable water. think of a water balloon.”

Amika scowls, but Sadie squeezes hir hand before ze can show hir sharp teeth lol.

Cherry: “Yes, please.” Cherry smiles at Henry.

Nu: “I stopped counting.” They chuckle. “More like I’ve never had a reason to count.”

Yessei tightens her grip around Heather, reciprocating her kiss.

Izi springs out of the water and into the bubble, taking a big gasp. “Wow. That’s cool–thanks so much!”

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haha sharp teeth vs bird army with big beaks lol who wins XD

Aaron looks around and wonders how birds built these elaborate nest dwellings. “They have no arms.”

ace: “I mean, that I understand, but goodness. oh, do you have penguins here?” he looks at the queen

and happy vamp kisses and purrs ensue! XD

lockie: “no problem!” she looks at her man and smiles. “Gio!” she swims over and playfully slashes him.

Michelle to izi: “I guess I can show you around some more if youre not going to die now. :sweat_smile:

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