CeBella dumps the drink in the bowl and it makes an audible wet plop sound like it’s heavy.
“Yeah, you know them? They’re Scottish.”
enter a bright purple chaos portal 0.0 get separated from the group.
“Thank you, your majesty.” Pat bows slightly. He glances over at his new friend. “Dude, I cant’t believe I’ve never heard of this place!” He goes to playfully punch his arm happily.
“Oh, well think of the creature as a giant fish that can talk and eat a whole town in one gulp, super long. You can make a lot of sushi out of them.” The fish woman licks her lips.
He ends up in a college cafe, but this one is filled with normal-looking humans and has a crap-ton of food options at different stalls.
Pearl wags her tail while drinking it (she likes grape juice )
Robin blinks.
Melody: Ooh, sushi.
Isaac looks around in wonder at the food stalls.
Jacob: Ah, the ceremonies the elves hold whenever the royal family has a birth are essentially their way of supporting them and celebrating getting to that point. During the ceremony, the parents talk about everything that led up to the birth of the child, such as how they met, started dating, and got married, and then talk about the child. Then, they present the child to the crowd. Since there’s two of them, the king and queen will each hold one of them and present them at the same time.
CeBella sits back with Gio to see what happens next,
“Monster sushi.” She winks. “Let’s go get y’all a traditional monster meal.” She starts to lead them back to the cafe.
“Oh, watch out!” A short tan guy with red hair nearly trips over his long laces right into Isaac.
“Oh, so twins and expressing way too much about their personal lives, got it. That’s pretty cool. in my world the parents would talk about the literal act and how they made the baby, you know, vampire memory and all that.”
“Whoa! You really are human!” Gio looks surprised. Aww, you’re adorable." He examines her like a new puppy.
CeBella claps at her successful spell. “Anything else I can do for you?”
“Probably… Maybe we’ll find him at the cafe. I’m sure we can locate him. We have magic after all.” She chuckles and starts walking again.
He catches his balance and lets out a heavy sigh. Denzel looks at Isaac…
How tall is he again?
“Yeah. Let’s go hear the cute love story… At least, I hope the princess didn’t get kidnapped,” he chuckled to himself lowly. “I know that’s still common practice in some places.”
She giggled slightly at that. “Honey, it’s a school, most definitely. But who are you looking for specifically?”
Don’t feel like talking about the walk more, so they just do it and appear at a monster cafeteria area? XD
Oop, Denzel is looking up then lol. He’s either 5’5" or 5’6", can’t remember specifically.
“Oh yeah. My mother was totally human until my dad got infatuated and changed her. Luckily, she returned his feelings… Or that would be an awkward eternity,” he chuckles and follows.
“Oh, I was with my siblings when I got seperated from them. There’s three of them, one sister and two brothers. My sister has blond hair, one brother has red hair and the other has black hair.”
Side note: This made me realize I didn’t describe any of their hair except for Pearl’s up until this point-
Yes yes
“Are you ok?” Isaac asks.
There’s a bunch of chairs set up in front of the stage like area. Some of the elves are already sitting down as the others arrive.
“Ah. You all have different sires?” Gio asks like that’s totally not rude in his world.
coolio! XD
just gonna act like i didn’t disappear for days xD
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks.” He givea a grateful sigh and looks at his tray that’s piled high. Then he looks at Isaac. “…You new?” He’s looking at his clothes.
“You said this happens at births only?” Pat asks because his author doesn’t remember now.
Idk why I want to constantly make it white like her hair lol.
“Oh, wait. You know magic? But you’re just a little girl.” Gio blinks and looks around at the others. “She’s totally a kid, right? It’s not just me thinking that?”
He’s a few hundred years old lol.
oop lol
Big oops lol.
“Dude, a portal?” His eyes go wide and he leans in a bit to whisper, “Was it in a tree?”
A young woman is staring at her watch and tapping her foot. Her skin is pink and her eyes are large and a dark shade of purple. Her two, fuzzy antennae stick up but aren’t moving. Shes wearing casual street wear: gray joggers and a black hoodie and white tennis shoes.
Another woman squints as she tries to figure out where she is. Her hair is neatly styled, and she’s wearing a white dress. She has a diamond bracelet and a necklace with a few animal shaped charms on it. There’s a bag and an open purse next to her feet.