Introduce Your Characters (Part 15)

“Snowball, Princess? Are those dog names?” Stardust stuffs her hands in her pockets. “I… don’t know. This must be outside of the Universe bounds.” She extends a well-calloused hand. “Stardust. Good to see you, Amethyst.”

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“Princess is a dog, yes. Snowball is a cat.”

She puts out her own hand.

“Outside the Universe bounds?”

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Stardust shakes her hand. “So, you lost your dog and cat? Outside the Universe bounds?” She lets go. “Do they have like… magical capabilities? Unique calls? Maybe we can find them.”

She shifts her weight, shoving her hands into her pockets. “Oh, and the Universe bounds? Like, outside the sixteen Universes?” She squints. “You’re… not from one of them, are you?”

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“No magical capabilities. They do each respond to a call, though. Aside from their names, Princess responds to a high pitched whistle, and Snowball responds to tongue clicking.”

Amethyst tilts her head a bit.

“No, I haven’t heard of the sixteen Universes.”

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“Probably best you haven’t,” Stardust admits. “Yessei’s tried to explain how it works to me. Twists my antennae into knots every time.” She chuckles. “And uhh, I can’t whistle, but I can try clicking my tongue?”

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“Oh? Who’s Yessei? And that’s ok, if they’re together still then Princess will probably follow Snowball if she hears the tongue clicking and comes.”

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“Maybe you know her as ‘the Witch?’” Stardust shrugs. “She’s got fangs like a vampire, but she’s a vegan and all in-your-face about it? Just the sight of meat terrifies her sometimes.” She laughs. Then she cups her hands to her mouth and clicks her tongue. “Here Princess, come on out!”

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She sounds like something Hailey would want to pet lol.


It’s most definitely because I associate their names and hair colors, haha.

Gio: “Like 1,800?”


Denzel nods. “Well… What are you eating? You want to sit with me?”

He nods and starts thinking of a royal present he can gift the family from the vampire realm to spawn an alliance xD.

Pat watches everything.


Oh my god I want to see her try :rofl:

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Don’t tempt me xD. Also they could maybe be purple-eyed friends xD.

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I gotta remember this bc I wanna see them interact now lol

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A wild Hailey spawns!

Or I could give you a random shadow creature.


Up to you lol.

“Oh.” Her antennae slump over. “I didn’t see you come in.”


I mean…Red’s hair is the same color as his name :eyes:

Pearl: No, the number after 17 and before 19.

Meanwhile Melody probably just gets distracted by all the food (not as distracted as Isaac would though-)

Isaac: Ooh, sure! And do you recommend anything specific? There’s so many options by the looks of it.


It begins with a magical, hologram-like rectangle appears :eyes:

It shows a much younger king and queen, among other elves, and a voiceover explains that they met at a dance.

Amethyst: Um, no, I don’t recognize any of that :sweat:

Also…some bushes nearby shake a bit :eyes:

Amethyst also glances over curiosly, not seeming to notice the bushes.


“Yeah, well, don’t worry about it.” Stardust chuckles. “Don’t say her name three times in a row or you’ll summon her,” she lies.

One of Stardust’s antennae points toward Hailey, while the other points toward the bushes. Her eyes dart between the bushes and Hailey.

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maybe i’ll have the shadow visit in a bit. it doesn’t talk, so idk if i feel like writing a bunch of description XD.

Yeah, it’s a wild Hailey that appears in a crop top and baggy overall outfit like she’s about to go build a house.


that’s what it was then XD

“…Woah… So, you age like a human then?” Gio’s eyes go wide.

oh yeah, i forgot Lockie was with them XD.

Lockie decides to show her away from the things poisonous to humans lol.

“Those look like candies, but they’re made of blood. You definitely wouldn’t like them. Let’s get you all a taste of the gargoyle bread and cream of newt soup, I’m serious when I say it’s a staple.” She winks. “You can check out some of the giant bug legs, too. They totally taste like chicken according to the werewolves.”

“I love everything. And I usually mix and match.” He points to his egg roll and pizza slice at the very top of his plate. “I’m going to do aomething never seen before.” Denzel smiles. He picks up the egg roll and… wraps it in the pizza slice. Then he picks up a soy sauce packet to throw on as a topping while licking his lips.

“Aww,” he coos like he’s watching a happy reteling of Romeo and Juliet.

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“Hey,” Stardust calls. “Do you know where we are? And have you seen a dog and a cat around?”


“A cat and a dog?” Her eyes lit up.“No, but if I see them then I’ll definitely let you know.” She smiled at her purple eyes. “I’m Hailey. Cool eyes. What’s your name?”