Murder Mystery

There has been a murder in the City of Riverview, and you are the detective who is going to find out who the killer is.

In this game, you’ll be given a crime. To play, all you have to do is ask questions to find out who the culprit is. You can investigate the crime scene, question suspects, and gather clues to help you unravel the mystery. But, a word to the wise: be careful… because your suspects may not be telling you the truth.

If you want to play, let me know below. I’ll post the beginning of the first mystery now, and come back later to see who’s around. If we have players, we’ll play.



Richard Hamilton, one of the wealthiest men in all Riverview and founder of Hamilton Industries, was found dead this morning along with his six year old daughter, Anna. Ivy, Richard’s maid, cried out in horror and she claims to have immediately alerted authorities upon discovering Richard’s lifeless body this morning. She still appears to be in shock, struggling for air, and cries out repeatedly “poor Anna! Poor Anna!” Richard’s wife, Lisa, claims it’s all an act. She’s says she’s convinced Ivy has a darker secret.


The rules of the game right now are simple: you can ask questions based on anything that you can observe. You can also perform actions (example: “dust for fingerprints” or “look outside the cracked window”). Aside from that, all the general rules from WW are incorporated as if fully restated here.


Current Suspect List

Ivy: the maid
Julien: the butler
Jason: the security guard
Lisa: the wife
Kimberly Locke: the mayor


Seems interesting :eyes:. I think I’m going to sleep now, but I’m intrigued and want to talk to the security guard… What’s the point of a security guard if he’s not securing the family - he’s looking guilty… Or at the very least incompetent :sweat_smile:.

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Sleep well. And know that if there’s anything the security guard seems to want, it’s to get some sleep himself. He has bags under his eyes, and a tired expression is plastered over his face.

I’ll be away most of tomorrow, but you or anyone else who pops by can feel free to ask questions to solve the mystery anytime and I’ll answer when I come back online.


Where do I enter this crime scene?? How recently has the crime been committed upon my arrival? I’d love to take a look around the murder scene—the location/spread of the bodies, things like defensive wounds, cause of death, I guess just anything that immediately stands out as being “wrong” or out of place. What’s the room like? And if Anna was found dead as well, where was her body? What time did Ivy find the bodies and call? Can that all be verified?

Sorry if this is too much and I’m doing it wrong, but this seems super neat and I’d love to play!!

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Welcome! Glad to have you! I’ll answer your questions in order.

You enter through the front gates of Hamilton Manor the morning of the murder, just hours after the deaths of Richard Hamilton and his daughter were reported. Standing there is Riverview’s Chief of Police, known only as “Jonass”.

“Detectives” Chief Jonass says to you and @DollyTH. “It’s good to be working with you. We have sealed off the crime scene and patrolled the area for evidence. Suspects are awaiting questioning inside.”

“I’m here with Officers Johnson, Bryant, and Broman.” Jonass says “If you want forensic work done, Johnson is your guy, but don’t expect a guy like him to be combat-ready. If you ever get yourself in a confrontational situation Broman’s the guy you want by your side. And then there’s Bryant. I don’t really know what she’s good at but so far she hasn’t managed to disappoint any of us yet and that’s good enough by me. Let us know if you need anything. We’re happy to be partnering for this case.”

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Updated list of characters…

Current Suspect List

Ivy: the maid
Julien: the butler
Jason: the security guard
Lisa: the wife
Kimberly Locke: the mayor

Law Enforcement

Chief of Police Jonass
Officer Ryan Broman
Officer Mike Johnson
Officer Mary Bryant

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When you arrive at the scene, you notice that the corpses of Richard and Anna are in different places. Richard’s lies in his bedroom and Anna’s in hers. Which bedroom would you like to inspect first?

Ivy says that she found Anna’s body at 8:10am in the morning. According to her, the first thing she did was run to find Richard but when she burst into his bedroom, she found him dead too. She then says she called the police right after, at 8:13am, which shows on the emergency dispatch call records. Ivy is clearly in a very frantic state, sobbing as she cries over Anna’s death.

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Hmm, okay I have a ton of guesses, but first, could we or the officers see the bodies? Check for outside wounds or anything?

You can. Which body do you want to take a look at first?

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Anna! I need to know why the maid was so upset (beside the fact she was a child).

You see Anna in her bedroom. She is lying face down. Her feet and part of her legs are leaning against her bed, but the rest of her body is sloping down to the floor, giving the appearance that she tried to leave her bed before her death. She’s been shot twice in the back.

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Aww, poor baby. :frowning: Can I go around and touch things?

Tries to get a closer look at what is around the room.

The room itself looks rather undisturbed, except that the sheets look like they were ruffled around. Anna’s room is otherwise kept very tidy, and even her toys are organized neatly.

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Hmm… I wonder why they shot her twice. And if she was getting out of bed then I wonder if that means she knows who her killer was…

Would I be able to see her face from how she’s laying or no?

Not from how she’s positioned now, but as you look towards her face you notice that she has some kind of small indentation on her neck

Actually quite a few small indentations

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Fingerprints - first guess! Where’s my officer friends? I’m looking for them next! But first, want to check the dad.

You inspect the dad’s body. Richard was shot five times. Three times in the chest and two by the neck. He also has a wound on his right elbow, and sharp shards of glass are stuck to the same elbow.

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