Murder Mystery

No. But what if a gas was in the canister. :eyes:

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What is a colorless odorless gas that could have been in the cannister?

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Carbon? But wouldn’t carbon just escape out of the canister? But maybe they wanted that? How would you even transport carbon into something like a canister? :sob: Its colorless so basically invisible.

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So I searched it. And it comes in tanks like oxygen tanks but for carbon. So that’s not super tough to transport. It might be alittle heavy tho

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That’s right. Carbon monoxide is a colorless odorless gas.

There’s an airtight lid on top of the cannister. When Richard and Anna were found dead, the lid was taken off. Who took the lid off? Who wanted to release the carbon monoxide into the bedroom?

It would require an industrial-grade cannister possessed by somebody in a field that handles carbon monoxide.

Who was the person who has experience in this field? Who was the person who transported the carbon monoxide? Who was the person who released the carbon monoxide into the home?

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Take a look at this email.

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Oh goodness. so Richard released the carbon on himself. What an idiot That explains his stupid fingerprints on the canister. So he basically signed his own death warrant. He killed himself and his own daughter. If he wasn’t dead, we should arrest him. But someone still decided to shoot them even though they were already dead, so the main question is who did that.

The only fact that we have is that Lisa has a 7mm gun like that bullets that shot them and she arrived at the house while the cameras were down.
How did she know Jason had the cameras turned off at that time or was it a coincidence? :eyes: Did she also coincidentally bring a gun with her from her father’s house :eyes:

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EXACTLY! There you go!

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Richard killed himself and his own daughter by mistake by releasing a cannister of carbon monoxide in his bedroom. The vents in Richard’s bedroom are connected to Anna’s, which caused her to suffocate as well.

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Did she bring the gun with her from her father’s house or was the gun already at Hamilton Manor?

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Take a look at this update.


That still doesn’t explain the gunshots. I’m still standing on the hill that the wife shot them.
But why?
I think that if people found out that the ceo of these air filters died of carbon monoxide poisioning while using one of these filters people would filp. So maybe to save money and customers, someone wanted to make it look like they were shot.

You’re very warm.


So the gun was supposed to be at Richard’s Manor, Lisa must’ve moved it to her father’s house after shooting them

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Exactly! Wouldn’t be as likely for Lisa’s father to have a rifle, would it? He doesn’t have a gun rack for it, and the Hamilton manor does.


Okay so who wants to keep the money and customers, maybe Leo, maybe the Mayor somehow, maybe the wife because she will inherit everything.
The wife has the perfect chance to do this. She was also very indifferent during her interview. Everything is pointing to her. So she must’ve done it

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Locke brought a lawsuit on behalf of the citizens of Riverview alleging that Richard’s air filters were defective.

So who stands to lose if people find out that Richard died by his own mistake and killed his own daughter too? Who stands to lose if people see, on camera too, by the way, that Richard’s own air filters don’t actually work as advertised?

Who’s going to inherit all his money?


Leo definitely wouldn’t want people to know about the defective air filters. But is the Mayor on Richard’s side with this? The answer is no: she’s actually trying to bring attention about the safety risks of the air filters to light.

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After all, Locke brought the lawsuit against Richard and

she continued accusing Hamilton of corruption and cheering on protesters outside Hamilton Industries.


Except when?

Lisa left at 9:31pm
She stayed at her father’s house until right before 6am because she is an early riser. But if she was caring for her father wouldn’t she wait until he is up to leave? Unless she forgot something at the imanor or even needed to do something at the manor(like shoot her family’s already dead bodies) I am assuming she did this and then went right back to her father’s house with the 7mm gun to wait for him to wake up and to hide the gun.

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