ONC 2024

I’m combining 4.

You could try 8, just keep their purpose in mind. The moment the prompt makes things too complicated, drop it. You need only one to qualify. The others don’t matter from judging perspective. You won’t get more points for using more prompts.

But if they all work and help you tell the story, go for it.

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Thank you all for your insight! I’ll see as I start writing and posting actual chapters. If any prompt ends up being useless for the plot’s sake or just makes it harder to write, I’ll drop it


1, 12, 13, 60 Are piffle chapter drivers, if only prompt used, they should be the inciting incidents, and left alone after that, imo…unless the secret gets out.

20, 53 are a little more meaty, but are subplots

72, 88 are driving conflicts of interest with everything else you do.


12&20 go together easily, and can add 60 to that.


But you have to remember to do all of that. I can’t even remember what I ate barely, and I just ate. It’s a lot of effort and work, but if you really wanted to, you could do it like that.

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So, Arranged marriage murder. Meet with whomever is going to cover with you in the middle of the night. Their actions of helping you are louder than words, and either the help or the one arranged who killed their partner is the one that is the black sheep.

It works when you clearly label where they fit in, so you know what vague order they come in.


Yeah but that still sounds complicated to me. Maybe because I can’t keep up with all the prompts. I understand the concept, but not for me. I am struggling with one prompt :joy:


they really were and it sucked. I hated my entry last year anyway - I literally winged the whole thing, but I dont understand why they cut me. I did everything right, but still got cut. Even used the prompt LITERALLY so idk.
Glad they did in the end but still :rofl:


It really felt like they cut NOTHING at 2K the year before. So it was an abrupt change.


So, I’ve just picked the title for my work and created a cover. Now, all I have to do is to order prompts, create a blurb, and then write!


@J.L.O Can AI de-age an image? I have a good image, but he needs to look younger.


Possibly. Find a kid’s face you liked and see what the blend is.



I tried it, and I'm not quite sure this blend is what I'm looking for


I am trying to de-age this dude to look about 16/17 for the Shade cover. I have the original image, but he looks too old, to be honest. He looks mid 20s here, but this is the only set of images I can actually find of this actor/faceclaim. Is there any way to make him look younger?

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Chapter 1 is up. Yay.
Chapter 2 might not be as easy since I have to brainstorm the secondary character a bit more before I can write from her pov.
At least I know her name. Josephine or Josie for short.
But other than that, I only know about her the part from the two prompts (bounty hunter family business and she’s that family member no one talks about). But besides family drama, who is she? What does she want? Still no clue.

By the way, figuring out what the protagonist wants was the magic ingredient that helped me discover what I want to write about. With that puzzle piece in, everything else clicked into place. So if you’re still not sure of your story’s premise - I recommend that brainstorming exercise.

Instead of trying to age him down, you might want to use the photos as a starting point and combine it with a prompt describing him. Make sure to mention ethnicity to help the accuracy (pale caucasian is usually the default output). It won’t be exactly the same person, but maybe that’s even better?

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Hi, has anyone a good idea for a high school name? Three characters from my story are high school teachers


You could name it after a president, a famous author, or a historical figure.
When all fails, naming it after the town will always work too.

Hmm… Thank you for your suggestion. I’ll see what fits the best

Thanks for the suggestion. I managed to get him looking like this now, what do you think?

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2 chapters are up. Ranking #640 in Paranormal. Whoop-whoop!
Let’s see if we can get higher than that.

@Churro The image is fine. My only concern about it is that it’s a little too… clean? Using a filter on it could help.

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