ONC 2025

Who is doing ONC this year? I am! It’s about time I try and write something…

Also here are all the prompts in text format for you to copy and paste/use for reference thanks for @/Kamiccola : ONC 2025 prompts - Google Sheets


I’m not, but good luck to you! I hope you win! And everyone else who enters from Wacky too, of course. I assume they have multiple winners…? ( ˆ◡ˆ)۶ ٩(˘◡˘ )


Yeah, I am doing it for inspiration more than anything. I don’t care I win it or not.


I am! I’m using it as a way to do something NOT in the genre I’m currently experimenting with, and have something at the end of it to publish for my other penname… I keep going back to the one I’m experimenting with… oops.


That sounds legit cool. Experimenting is great, I am gonna try do that too.

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ONC never works for my schedule :sweat_smile:

But I’ll be checking those prompts :eyes:


Of course. Never know when you might need em :wink:


I’m hoping for some good prompts this year. I’m in the mood to work on something new.

We’re almost there!


Me too, I hope there are more “real world” prompts, outside of fantasy and scifi or paranormal that aren’t romance. I think they will be good prompts, regardless.

Yes! Two more days (for me!) :partying_face: Am actually excited for this!


That…didn’t age too entirely well, did it? :joy:

I was just thinking, and complained on my WP board accordingly, that the prompts are too magic-library and very little anything else. I think they took their ancient/wizardly scribe ‘theme’ a little too seriously. I’ll see if I can’t still find something worthwhile, though.

What about you? Did any of the prompts catch your eye?

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I was hoping to be able to do ONC, there’s a character that could work with some of the prompts released

Unfortunately I think my practice schedule will take away too much of my attention to participate :sweat_smile:

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Not at all lol. They even have a lot of vampire prompts this year. Vampire of all things.

Yeah they did take their theme too seriously. Too many magic and historical themed ones too. Paranormal as well.

There is too much popularity with those damn genres. Paramantasy romance.

I love how random this is:

This one could be really funny. Or random. No idea.

All I can say is thank goodness for the song lyric and quote prompts. I’ll probably use one of them since they’re pretty open ended but they reused the Alicia Keys one.


Aw no! That sucks! :frowning:


The prompts are all so… unrealistic for me I am actually writing a romance. This is not a drill.

How does this sound for a basic blurb for ONC?

ONC Prompt 124: “You’re wondering’ why half his clothes went missin’.” —Taste, Sabrina Carpenter

Eddie Perez, a twenty-something gangster moonlights as a pimp for his dad’s side hustle, alongside his best friend, Krystal. Everything goes smoothly, until the night he meets the mysterious Esteban inside Heaven, whilst waiting for a call.

They start to take things further than intended, and their personal lives start to bleed into their professional lives after a drunken night of fun. Their little secret gets aired to the Vagos and things begin to get chaotic.

Will they still be there for each other when the shit hits the fan?


Not enough :joy: I actually wanted to try and write a modern fiction vampire story, but I guess my vampires are a little too science-y to fit into para-romantasy prompts.

Historical fiction would have probably been my second option, but there, too, my hopes were dashed lol. It feels like most of them are too specific in ways that don’t really permit genre-bending. It’s annoying I couldn’t lock in on a single one out of…what? 140 prompts? Maybe I need to accept I’m the problem :joy:

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I get the gist of it, so I would say it works, my only two notes would be:

this doesn’t feel relevant for a blurb

and secondly, I’d like to know more about Esteban other than being mysterious

and I guess there’s a third note, about Krystal. she’s not mentioned with the action in the next paragraph, so I’m not sure how relevant it is to mention her, either, but it does sound like a great place to start :grin:


Yeah, lol. I was thinking of using Pissy, my vampire character for one but he’s too modern and not romantic enough :joy: Sciencey vampires sound cool.

Yeah they are very specifc, imo. I found it hard to lock into a lot of them, too lol.

Thanks, I added some details to it based on your notes (trying to keep it short and sweet but not… too vague). I do think this is better now:

Eddie Perez, a twenty-something gangster moonlights as a pimp for his dad’s side hustle, alongside his best friend, Krystal. Everything goes smoothly, until the night he meets the enigmatically sexy, and intelligent software developer Esteban inside Heaven.

They start to take things further than intended, and their personal lives start to bleed into their professional lives after a drunken night of fun. Their little secret gets aired to the public and things begin to get chaotic. Krystal tries to help them fan the flames, but things get more heated than intended between them in the process.

Will they still be there for each other when the shit hits the fan?

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The blurb sounds a lot better! A few edits for technical reasons:

I think you can lose the ‘intelligent’ here - should be implied by him being a software developer.

you can also probably cut this out

and this to avoid repetition

and ‘chaos ensues’?

Just to avoid some repetitions and also cut down the wordcount a little bit.

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Yes! Thank you! :partying_face: This sounds a lot better.

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