One line snippet. Share one line from your story that gives off the vibes.

Nice snippet! Why did you choose it to represent your story?


Because it sums up the main character’s struggles effortlessly.


Errol had tasted enough lies on his own tongue to be able to spot one when someone else was telling it.

I chose this line because it paints a pretty clear picture of who the MC is. He isn’t terribly morally upright, but he’s clever and can read other people well enough to manipulate them to his advantage in reaching his goals.


“tasting lies” is a really good description. Errol reminds me of my cursed jerk, Jack XD Jack’s also good at reading people and manipulating them. Wonder what would happen if Jack and Errol meet… :eyes:

Pure chaos, most likely. XD


A snippet from my second novel: One Army, Many Tribes.

You won’t replace Zorik, and I’ll fight anyone who tries to take him, but I also need you in my life ~ Ashley

A pleasantly shikker (drunk) Ashley seducing her close friend, Naida, who knows Zorik is Ashley’s boyfriend (understatement) and Zorik is perhaps the most talented / frightening mercenary in Israel (ditto). But this never stopped Naida’s ceaseless flirting with Ashley before, and there were no previous complaints from Zorik…So…

Here’s a later snippet from the same novel…

Why can’t we have one peaceful night? ~ Ashley

Ashley and her friends are gathered outside the Hatzerim airbase hospital, they realise two fighter squadrons (F-4s and F-15s) are preparing to scramble, and someone calls Zorik’s mobile. Oh, moments before this snippet Ashley had to stop Zorik tormenting Naida about their affair…Zorik was only playing with Naida and, to him, no harm was done…


“Dea left this world long ago, Greyridge is a forgotten kingdom, and the Eves of Ralloth have forsaken us… Now we must face our evils headstrong against the armies of the west alone… No matter what, we will prevail!” Geldrid said as he looked upon the last sunset of Hannethin, and the last day of Summer Festival.

Hannethin the last day of summer, and the first of the Autumnal Harvesting of Redstone.


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(this is two lines but they both go together :joy:)

“Bast decided she was staring at a giant, glow in the dark, man-eating worm. It was as weird as it sounded.” - Immortalize