Pet peeves?! Do you have any???

This might seem mean (and I don’t intend to offend or hurt anyone’s feelings) but I dislike when people say, “My characters have a mind of their own”, like, they’re not real people. You invent and create scenarios, and if what you’re writing doesn’t fit your intended scenario, that’s your own doing. It’s not a bad thing or anything, it’s simply being aware of your characters motivations.


I agree, it is simply an illusion

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I would prefer:

“The demands on the character’s personality keep it from doing what I want it to do, and I fear I’ll destroy the whole construct if I push the issue.”

Same exact statement, no shoving the blame onto someone other than yourself.

I grew up in a family that thought nothing of holding conversations with themselves, knowing full well it was just themselves up in there, so some aspects of difficult to control “other entity” were always there, but we’ve always viewed losing that control as a descent into madness. It’s supposed to be a tool, not a master.

But it’s funny when we’re doing that in public, get a lot of weird looks for it. The only person who catches me doing it is my husband, and he immediately pries into that until he finds out what I’m thinking. Over 90% of the time it’s just working through the contents of an argument, needing to sound out the words.

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I think so, when someone is making really loud noises such as eating chips and I am trying to write.


I agree. I do understand what people are getting at (in that their character’s personality conflicts with the plot) as I have the same internal monologue when I’m trying to get into my character’s headspace. Or ‘interviewing’ them for the characterization aspect of writing.

I just find fangirl talk, as NotARussianBoth put it, kind of cringey.


Not only that, but it often gets more of a pass than fanboy convos. I don’t find the whole “body of work” consistent.


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