Finally got my Goodreads author badge!
Idk why they made it so much of a hassle…but they did, but I got it now so that’s good.
Finally got my Goodreads author badge!
Idk why they made it so much of a hassle…but they did, but I got it now so that’s good.
Oh awesome A fellow ace! I have a few of his books in my TBR
I started to post a glitch update, complaints and user guide for Wattpad in 2024 and beyond. And yes, I am posting those other stories as well
Realizing that World Myths (primarily Greek, unless I am wrong about the other world myths) are never the same, they differ depending. I always thought that it was just one accurate thing, knowing that Zeus is a lovable dad in one myth versus a sex-craze tyrant in another, is a refresher.
I want to read world mythology again, it’s been over a decade.
I miss those days of my youth.
I have three HEAVY items that are coming by UPS, and I have no one to help me with it into my home.
Oh, boy!
I have not move yet, but I will start apartment hunting in January 2025.
I re-read Sofa, So Good and now I actually inspired to write some more Igorteo (Igor and Juan). I am getting a good feel for them now, and how it should go. It needed re-written anyway I hope people like interesting characters, tbh. I’m still writing the other stuff too, don’t worry haha.
No more lifting heavy shit. NO MORE LIFTING HEAVY SHIT!!!
At first I thought that Dana Dan by Bollywood had blown up in popularity first time I heard about anime.
Just discovered the fan-made Sisters of Battle music video had been remastered with more recent AI software. Some of the AI character motions look a little off, but overall the AI software is getting much closer to real digital footage. And, judging by what I’ve seen on Twitter, the new prototype / not-yet-public AI animation software is another level above this.
Old video:
New video:
And, yes, my lotto wish list still includes a veteran albino blade-master companion / bodyguard.
(Meanwhile, the search for AI image software that remembers to include white eyebrows for albino characters continues)
Exhaustion and the desire to write, but I am not eager enough yet.
I feel so sorry for all the actors, cinematographers, stagehands and other professionals put out of work by this software. ˓(ᑊᘩᑊ⋆)
@Qualeshia12 Doodlebob Zoro is unstoppable.
This is so damn awesome!
Dropped a new video because…why not? I felt like it