Strange Things You've Had to Research for Your Writing

One keeps researching. For example, from what distance would you be able to hear a car in hilly sparsely forested terrain? How long would traveling by foot through that same landscape take?

(Still looking for the answers :slight_smile: but I think I’ll settle for 1 mile distance, and 1 hour to travel it carefully by foot through rough terrain. I someone has better numbers: feel free to tell me :slight_smile: Been investigating for an hour now… time consuming…


I recently did research on cave bears and their extinction. It was not a fun time, too much yet too little info :joy:.

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A whole lot of stuff about psychopathy/antisocial personality disorders I was curious about what kind of creature I am okay

Also … How to not confuse someone, some weird stuff about cough in-familial relationships, and … blue vintage suitcase.


I have yet to look it up but I need to find out what women did back in the middle-ages to not get pregnant.


I know in some Pagan religions, I wanna say like witches not Wiccan, they believed putting a yam inside would prevent pregnancy. These are the things I learn from that TV show Sex Sent Me to the ER lol.


This suitcase :eyes:.

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Yes :eyes: that’s what it looks like.

also, the amount of similarity I found between the points described during the aforementioned digging matched my approach to other humans…

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I think I saw that one…

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And for the larger, poetic side of my being:

  • aesthetic quotes/images
  • ”black dove”
  • various songs
  • whimsical darkness
  • Ambition Bird by Anne Sexton

This is strange ’cause I don’t usually need anything to produce a poem except sufficient frustration.


Black dove? I’m unfamiliar.

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It’s a song, but if you know me, there’s more to that story … hehe :wink:

she was a january giiiiiirl-


Well if they got sent to the ER I’d say it sounds dangerous haha.

I mean more like courtesans and such. I know they drank some sort of mixtures but I know there’s probably some ways of ‘birth control’ that they used. It’s not relevant to my story just yet, so I still have time to look that up.

But thanks for your imput :grin:

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Welcome, haha. I’m curious what you’ll find. :eyes:

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I just took a brief look… see for yourself haha

They put lots of things in there…including stones :neutral_face:



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Avoid having sex? < innocent look >


Yes… but that wouldn’t work well in my book to be honest :grin:

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is it mature?

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I rated it mature yes, because it has some violence in it and some erotic scenes :slight_smile:
It’s a romance story and my MC is a Assassin so violence can’t really be avoided :sweat_smile:

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My latest search: in which directions are shadows thrown at 06:30 in the moring in Oregon?