Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 1)

It’s the same for me. The website isn’t loading at all.

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Ahaha if your readers were screaming at you then it sounds like you did a fantastic job! Maybe I’ll just wing mine and then go back if I have to to check all the boxes :joy: I wonder if planning it might be the problem!


I swear, whomever built my m-i-l’s washer was designing for men. I about killed myself to reach the bottom layer of clothes (hit my diaphragm repeatedly on the edge of the washer after a headcold), and I’m 5’9". Every other woman who uses that washer is a good 3 inches shorter. I’m surprised they don’t fall in the damn thing.

Ah, well. Another real life scenario to make ridiculous when writing it out.


When a tool irks my nerves like that, I upload to drafts and hop on another tool to edit it for posting.



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Yeah, but I have club work to do this weekend

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Argh, the clubwork. Noblesse Oblige away, M’Lady.

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IDK if it helps anyone, but I’ve had the issue on Safari since last night: can’t access the top right on browser for notifications/inbox/ etc, pages not loading etc
Hopped onto Firefox instead (blasphemous I know but eh) and it seems to work fine on that. Could be a work around until Wattpad pull their fingers out their butts and fix the glitch.


really? i had that exact same issue on chrome but then switched to safari and it’s been working fine xD


Thats so weird!!!
Maybe it’s not browser dependent then :thinking:
I’m jealous. I know my way around safari. Stupid Firefox I dont know it XD


everyone i’ve talked to has had issues on chrome but microsoft edge,firefox, and safari were working for them xD


Not always, but sometimes when I’m having trouble with a website, I’ve got to restrict it’s allowances with things like popups. In fact, I outright block some sights from my browsers, just so I don’t have redirect clashes.

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Edge wasn’t working when I tried it :eyes:

Firefox and (mobile) Safari were fine though.

a wild jax has appeared :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:


Funnily enough, it was just to see if people were asking about how to deal with the site being down xD

Ima go to bed now though, so good niiiiight :two_hearts:


ugh fine goodbye jax i guess u need rest or WHATEVER :sob:


Wattpad won’t work for me in Chrome, but it shows up just fine in an incognito tab.

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Now, THAT is weird.

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So, what I’m seeing is that possibly clearing the cookies might reset the sucker.


clears cookies
Yup! It works perfectly fine now.