Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 1)

I like Magecraft Children or Children of Magecraft Mechanics because it makes me curious what Magecraft Mechanics are.

Zirken being an unfamiliar word is forgettable and takes up valuable space in the title without adding context.


I made a poll about my Wattys stories lol

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Cool. Magecraft Children it is.


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I saw a quote the other day that was something like, “Maybe it’s not that your book is too long, but that you’ve accidentally wrote a series.” That it’s happened to other writers where it’s taken them a lot of words to write their story, and they realized the story was more than one book, and that’s okay too. :+1:

As for editing, I feel your pain. :sob: I’ve only just started & I’m winging it. :laughing: No idea what I’m doing.


A famous cast wth? I’ve seen those, but I didn’t know some readers expected them. In my opinion, while I have my own vision of what my characters look like, I also want to leave things up to the reader’s imagination. I think that’s part of the problem these days that I’m seeing not only in books, but movies/shows/entertainment. Where the audience either needs, or they think the audience needs everything spelled out for them. A well written story should give readers the pieces they need to form everything in their heads. I don’t understand where this lack of imagination is coming from in our readers/consumers? Is it a younger generation thing? :woman_shrugging: Teens are mean.

I’m sorry this person was a jerk. I wouldn’t let them get to you. Not every piece of feedback is the truth. You can write the most “amazing” book, and there will always be someone out there who thinks it’s trash. I’m sure there are people who hate Lord of the Rings, Romeo & Juliet, Pride & Prejudice, whatever book that is “praised” as a classic/blockbuster, there will always be people who hate it. Just remember that you’re not writing for those people. They’re not your audience. Your writing for yourself, and the people who find your work, and love it. :sunflower: Hope that helps.


I started editing my novel by making a table in a document, and gathering feedback from others, any notes I have for myself, and what happens per chapter in a few sentences. Not done yet, but already feels like homework. :laughing: Gotta push myself to do it lol

I started a third novel idea when I’ve already started a second, which was intended to be the next one I wrote but… my brain had other plans. It isn’t anything serious yet, but it was based on a dream I had (I base at least half of my stuff on dreams) and these two sassy characters are stuck in my head. So I’ve just been writing a script like back and forth dialogue between the two as I get to know them. The story as a whole is fuzzy at best whereas my second idea is a lot more fleshed out. But I feel like I know the characters in my third idea more. That ever happen to anyone? You know the characters, but not the entire story? Not sure which idea I should move forward with now. We’ll see. :thinking:

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I feel called out :sweat_smile:

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This song is my mind rn.

Maybe I should put it in quotes. It’s what her father always called it, so that’s what she says, too.

Thanks! I’ll keep those in mind when go through to edit my rewrite. First I have finish it :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m trying to minimize italics thoughts (thinking about how nice the rain scent is will probably be scrapped later as it adds nothing to the plot), but I also have to be aware to include them because before, my editor told me she had no idea what Pinti was thinking, and, therefore, unable to understand Pinti’s motivations.


This is my idea for Lucinda so far: she goes to high school, has misadventures, and then she gets swapped by her non-related twin sister shapeshifter so she can stay in hell.

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Don’t do it in italics. Simply narrate. You are already in Pinty’s PoV so everything is her perception. Otherwise, you end up with italics every few paragraphs, with completely mundane stuff italicized. Narrative is already personal if it shows the world through character’s eyes.

Good luck with the story!


I’m working on developing Ivar the Rex’s voice

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Just wanted to drop by and say that you absolutely don’t have to italicize thoughts or put them in quotes or whatever other way. It’s a stylistic choice.

You will encounter people who don’t know that and will try to say it’s wrong. Don’t listen to them.

It’s your choice.

You should be consistent, so once you decide to use italics or not, continue that style, but it’s your choice which style you write in.


Ouch, I’m having a serious Monday morning case of ‘I don’t want to be working’. And the long I’m wallowing, the more pressure to just bloody do the work. I hate feeling guilty, but I also hate having to work.


I realize that Marceline is just Frances from Radio Silence with lycanthropy.

Make of that what you will.

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I did a little more reading which is good and I am enjoying the story which is a plus.
I just need to focus on writing for a bit.


screams I had writers block for a while. The struggle is real… :tired_face:


Welcome to the boards! You can always chat about your story and what causes the block. It might help us here to point you into the right direction.


shrug true but I was just venting. x3 I been adding little sentences here and there.