Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 1)

I know what quote to open with.


changes subject I forgot what I was going to say,… oh wait i been seeing a lot of people I knew from the old wattpad fourms around here.


I just logged back into my royal road account. sheesh its been so long…


Perfectly fine as well.

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im vibing to music. Just finished my coffee. WOOOO

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have any of yall just looked back at your old writing and cringe.


I do that with my current writing haha


it takes practice and patient. I do to much research sometimes, but its good to practice with random prompts. Which I haven’t been doing lately…

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I’m planning this Roman thing, and he’s a handful alright, lol.

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I’ve been finding it hard to write anything lately.

So I picked up the last book I didn’t finish yet, The Magicians, read a couple of chapters and suddenly I wrote some stuff.

I think it has a similar effect to when I hear someone play guitar and suddenly I feel like I want to play (unless it’s Marcin Patrzałek - he has a humbling effect on me since I’ll never reach his level).

But yeah, reading The Magicians motivates me. Part of it is that I noticed that it’s written similarly to how I write - deep pov, taking the time to spend with the character and it’s in free indirect speech.
I like how relatable Grossman’s writing is. I’m hoping to pick up a few tips while I’m reading.

So here’s to reading again.


Even if the story is in third person?

Hmm… So, I could say,

Overcast left stars behind a hazy cloud. The smell of rain permeated the air of the freshened night. The soil was damp underfoot. Pinti slipped once on the leaves carpeting the forest floor.

Something like that? I just took what I wrote and tried not to use italics for that description part. Probably still needs some work…


I’ll keep this in mind, thanks :blush:


Pretty much. 3rd person still conveys the pov of the character and doesn’t really need any special tricks to do so.

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I just picked a book on the history and importance of textiles, because I edit so hard stm, for both myself and my mentee, I can’t do fiction until those two books are out of my mental space.

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Whatever works for you.

I find it hard to read nowadays because I can’t help but to analyze what I’m reading. I either subconsciously critique it in my head or I stop and think, hmmm, that’s well put, can I do that? It’s easier with TV/movies since they’re faster but a book takes a long time and the last few I started, I didn’t finish because of my messed up new reading process.

But this one is different. I read a bit earlier today and yet again, it gave me ideas how to edit one of my chapters, how to add a missing transition or rather to put it elsewhere.
And that’s pretty awesome.

I think this will be my go-to plan now. Read a bit and immediately write a bit. Rinse and repeat.

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Oh, I do that too. I went through like 5 Riordan’s novels while writing Lone Werewolf. But editing is super intense right now!

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screams thats all.

Ah, yes research.

How in the world am I going to tackle an android who is able to use magic (mage craft in my story) and summoned people from the past to serve them?

I think I am going to wing it for this one…at least for the rough draft.

Don’t fret, Qualeshia! You totally got this!
I still need to finish the anthology regardless of my feelings and laziness.


What POV do you usually write in?

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