Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 1)

Super-crazy day, but I am finally prepping and posting final draft of Raised by the Mafia. I will need to start reading tomorrow, plus a bunch more yard work. For now, prep for Radish is on the back burner, but what I plan to do, is to put first Tangorello novel there for free with editing it slightly as I go, then write two books. Fireman’s Girl will go on Wattpad to be workshopped and slowly released, and Do Vampires Go to Proms??? will be fast-posted for Radish. Then I flip, and write 3rd Tang book for Radish, while doing 3rd Lone Werewolf book for Wattpad. That way I don’t work on two real world books, which requires tons of research, at the same time, and nothing that I can potentially query ends up on Radish.


How do you do it all? :sob: I’m tired just reading all the things you have to do haha I respect that though. Especially because I’ve seen your write in different settings/genres, I can’t switch up like that. So that’s awesome that you have that skill. I’m rooting for you! :muscle:


Churro has been thinking and I realise that I have a few options on what to write for the Wattys, since my original idea didn’t take off:

  1. A romance centred around two weirdos. One of them is apathetic and denies love. The other is open minded and believes in love.

  2. A story about aliens invading the Velez ranch and trying to take over whilst refilling their ship. Being seductive and doing dirty deeds.

  3. The one about Duke the pirate going back in time through portals. And ending up as a Barbary Pirate after being kicked out of his hometown. He wants to go back and needs to find the portal to go back.

  4. David being a total mind wreck. Messing up the universe accidentally. And seeing his own birth and his brothers birth. And memories that aren’t his, trying to find his way back to the present. He just wants to figure out the mystery of why he isn’t himself?

  5. The one inspired by a dream I had where I was someone else. It was about a guy called “Henrique” who didn’t know who or where he was. His wife is starting to fall out of love with him, and she’s concerned he’s losing his mind and wants him committed somewhere.

Pick one :flushed:


It bothered me that I didn’t know how the story would continue with the latest changes (not just the above, there were others before), so I sat down and tried to write a summary of what happens next.

It took me many tries to get through all the points to arrive at the end. I kept coming to dead ends and questions I couldn’t answer. But then I found a path that works. And it’s right there, on this one page, the solution to the complicated equation that is this book. There will be additions and cuts to what I previously thought woudl happen but there is a solution.

At least until the next time something changes and I have to redo all this work, hehe.


Hmm, 1 sounds like it could be a comedy if that’s what you’re going for. 3 and 4 sounds like time travel, and that can be tricky depending on how much you know about time travel etc. Grandfather paradox?

Last one could be interesting too. Could play it in different ways. Maybe Henrique has multiple personalities, or a different soul is occupying the body, or Capgras Syndrome where he’s not the one losing his mind, his wife is bc she thinks he’s an imposter. Plot twist! I know I didn’t help at all. Sorry. :sob: The ones I mentioned seemed the most interesting to me, but I’m just one person.


Nice! It’s great when you finally see the whole picture or at least one solid path you can take. :tada:


Yeah, it’s a pretty rainbow because I’ve got so little of that, to me. Lol


I’d do 5, by that is because I like unraveling characters.

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3 or 4 sound most fun to me.
Then again, I’m probably biased towards fantasy / sci-fi lol


4, maybe? seems like it has more substance going for it.

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Honestly, it’s so hard to make decisions with so many unknowns. And not enough time. I don’t really feel like I write in a different genres though. More like the same genre, adventure romance, but different settings. Real world setting takes a lot more time and attention from me, because I have to verify stuff, not just make it up.

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I know some of it’s harder because you’re aiming at a specific outcome, but what kinds of unknowns, now?

One is an idea that I have been writing on and off. It’s about a Ukrainian immigrant called Dmitri who’s basically a call boy, who is apathetic and never feels things or falls in love. When he goes to ask for a deadline on some debt his roommate Anthony owes, he meets Alan, an open minded, pansexual drag queen who believes in love and spiritualism. They end up finding out they have more in common than they think. They end up secretly starting to fall for each other. And Alan has an obstacle of making Dmitri admit that he likes Alan. And Alan has to start thinking more logically about life and where the future is bringing him.

I have planned three out. It’s about Duke, a guy who can open up portals and who likes to fish and surf. In 2005, he discovers that he can do more than that. He can actually control the portals and also time for other people. When he gets too power hungry for his own good, Cornelius, the guy who owns the city Duke lives in called Coconut Heights gets wind of this, he fights Duke and kicks him through an open portal that’s glowing red. Duke gets sent back to the Barbary Pirate ages and the portal seals up. His powers have also dried up in the new era because the portal itself sucked away his powers as he went through it. He has to find a new one and a way out and forward to the future again, and a way to regain his powers.

Number four is about a trained neurosurgeon friend DJ, David, a man who discovers that he can time travel and fix things in his life. But what he doesn’t realise is that when he starts to fix things in alternate timelines, things start to change and mess up in their own way. So, when he decides that he’s had enough of his brother, Vicente, he decides to go back in time and try and distract his parents from doing the deed. But he ends up doing it wrong, and gets stuck in the 1960s, a few years before he is born. He wants to go back home again, but he ends up meeting some people and doesn’t want to go back. But he has to go back when he fixes his powers to ensure that the future can operate properly. So, the Clockers (the people who are in charge of Time Travel) track him down to the 1960s and try to take him out with darts and bring him forward but David is having none of it.

And yeah, I know about the Grandfather paradox. David is definitely not taking out his Grandad. He actually liked him, lol. And doesn’t wanna not exist.

As for number five, I kinda like the idea of his wife going crazy to be honest. But I had the concept of another soul inhabiting Henrique’s body from my dream but maybe we could shake it up a bit and have them both end up in the institution having to fix their marriage? The grandma ends up having to look after their kid for a while until they get better. :thinking: too far?

@J.L.O @Novel_Worm @DomiSotto you can all add input as well if you want. I didn’t include the alien idea because no one seemed to be interested in that lol.

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The pirate thing could be twitten as two seperate things: not that it’s a different story, but the difference in timelines makes it easier to write the beginning and middle at the same time.

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If it’s gonna be better as two separate things and a long story then I’m definitely not entering that into the Wattys.

No, not like that. More like you could write it out of order without a lot of continuity issues.

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Now I am lost :joy:


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All I meant by it is if you treat it like 2 stories, you might be able to write a longer story.

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Eugh I dunno.