Lucky you. LOL!
Lucky you as well! LOL!
I do bios but the bare minimum. Like name, age, looks, occupation, fam. Everything else they do on their own.
Argh, I spent far too much time today trying to make a new cover for my book, instead of writing it. And I decided to rename it to match the first book in the series. So, it will be now called “Raised by the Mafia” and I will start looking for someone who could hollow me with font on the cover, because I can’t get it right. Lol.
Total word count is 60.5K…
ayy bringing this back from the old forums - reviving the struggling writers group
Wee! Just signed up for Watty Bootcamp Mentorship program. I hope to put Lone Werewolf through it. Even if nobody will take me as a mentee, the workshops will help me with blurb and synopsis! But, yeah, I can get a mentoring from them on the whole book, it would be wonderful.
I rediscovered Word’s immersive reader feature recently and it’s been doing wonders for my editing (draft 5). But my God, there’s this one section that I’ve been trying to revise and I swear it’s taking the life out of me to figure it out. I have the urge to write today and I know I can hop on over the one of my two story outlines, but I think it’ll serve me well to take a little writing break. Come back in a day or two.
whats that?
I am still planning my story. So far I am working on the terminology for my story and I only got twenty-four terms. I don’t know if I should prolong it because there is a chance I might not use some of those terms. Still, I am enjoying thinking up creative terms/jargon for my story.
Immersive Reader is a feature in Microsoft Word that reads the document out loud in an automated voice. You have the option of choosing a male or female voice and their reading speed. A basic audiobook, really. Rather than me reading aloud my own work, subconsciously glossing over spelling mistakes, I can have an automated voice do it and hear the mistake.
Microsoft Word really has that?! Damn!
Google Docs doesn’t even have that.
That’s cool that Word has it! I use Google doc too, but I wanna see if there is an app maybe.
Anyway, finished at 61K total today, I am tired and a huge emotional scene comes next, before I return to fighting. Which I didn’t plan very well… aww.
I was “able” to do an outline for my story. I am not done but it looks decent enough to me.
I am a bit proud!
Good going! Outlines are cool.
Yup. I still feel like I need to do chapter summaries/outlines.
Though I am not sure.
I know! I never used it before so I forgot about it. Glad I rediscovered it. It made editing a little bit easier.
Finished up Ch 20 and published it after making some minor edits for clarity and content. I was going to add more to the chapter since it’s a bit shorter than my usual chapter (being 7.5k words when my chapters are aroundd 8-9k), but decided against it to keep the cliffhanger and amp up the conflict between the Mom, Dad, and older sister, all revolving around the issue of guns. I’ve officially hit 142.2k words words, and I decided to take a short break for a few days just to recharge to get some ideas for the major showdown at the mayor’s office happening in Ch 21.